
Wednesday 25 October 2017

Fido's First adventure with me!

Yippee after all the rain we have been having its finally stopped and the sun came out so that means Mummy packed me and Fido (our virtual foster From the ASPCA) for our first adventure together....
We went to one of our favourite local spot up on Dartmoor!
We had so much fun exploring...

I can't wait for our next Adventure together! #FindYourFido


  1. That was a fun adventure for both of you,Speedy and Fido. And we see that Fido likes to hide in the tall grass like we do:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  2. Speedy... we are sooooooo happy that you and Fido are getting along so well together. You can have some grand adventures. So glad that the sun came out and the rain ran away...

  3. Speedy, that was a FABulous adventure! I loved it, and it sure looks like Fido did too! he likes to hide likes I do in the grass! BOL!
    I can't waits til your next adventure too!
    Ruby ♥

  4. are having fun, aren't you Speedy!

  5. How does Fido eat with his tongue hanging out?

  6. LadyMum luvss Dartmoor....
    An Fido lookss so happy to bee with you. Virtuallee speekin....mew mew mew....
    ~~head rubsss~~ Siddhartha Henry~~

  7. I had to catch up but now I know who Fido is and you two look terrific Speedy!

  8. Fido looks like a fun adventure buddy.


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