
Monday 15 February 2021

Sorry its been a while....An update from Speedy's Mum

 Sorry it been a while. It's been a bit of a rollercoaster here with lockdown then out of lockdowns....We're still on No.3 at the moment. As you know Speedy has had a bit of a poorly foot what we had been told was it was a growth as antibiotics didn't seem to work on clearing it up and when we first had it looked at his foot looked like this back last year in the first lockdown...

As it got bigger we had it looked but still told it was a growth but this morning it looked like this...

We took Speedy out for a walk after I sent these new photos to the vets and while were out it finally burst thick gluppy muck all over my coat. So we rushed home and I bathed it with warm water and was able to squeeze nearly all the puss out and then we rushed him to the vets and left him there so that it could be looked at properly....

The verdict is its an abscess so he needed to have surgery to clean it up and remove any dead tissue and try to close it up as much as possible. So Speedy is currently at the vets undergoing that surgery and all we can do it wait to hear that he is ok and then he can come home to a slow and long recovery of daily cleaning and dressing change assuming I can keep them on him.

Keep those prayers going for him, I know Marvelous and Angel Nellie Bellie has been Spreading the word for my boy for which I thank them so much for that love


  1. We're so sorry to hear Speedy isn't doing well. Our paws are crossed that his surgery goes well and he recovers quickly.

  2. We saw a comment yesterday that Speedy was ill. We are so sorry to hear about his woes. We hope the wound will heal well. Would a cone work for him? Probably not, but it might help keep him from removing the bandages. All the best to you and Speedy.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  3. Prayers that Speedy's surgery goes well and his recovery is rapid.

  4. We've been following on Facebook, love you Speedy.

  5. OH MY GOODNESS is he alright now dearest Rachel?

  6. I'm sending lots of healing purrs to Speedy!

  7. Oh, that's terrible! We are purring and praying for Speedy, and you! Love to you both.

  8. Rachel, Speedy, You and Hubby are in our Purrayers. We send you love, virtual hugs and strength. Speedy is one special guy! You guys are Awesome!

  9. Rachel, Speedy, You and Hubby are in our Purrayers. We send you love, virtual hugs and strength. Speedy is one special guy! You guys are Awesome!

  10. He will heal quickly. Rabbits don't do anything slowly,

  11. Oh baby! Abscesses are such horrible nasty things! Of course you are in my prayers and thoughts! Please keep us updated! Love you, little guy!

  12. Healing purrs for Speedy. We hope his paw is better soon.

  13. Rachel, we are so, so sorry. Please give that baby a kiss from us if that is allowable.

  14. Oh Speedy, what an ordeal. You are a very brave bun. I'm sorry your paw got so bad that you had to have surgery. Healing purrs and luvs.


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