Sunday 23 June 2019's been a while!'s been a while since I have posted.And boy have we been busy!First mum got a new trail camera to film the Hedgehogs....mum is still trying to decide on the best position for it but here are some clips we got on it....

Cool camera isn't it? Any way mum has been busy doing jobs in the garden like painting the gate and other jobs but she did take me out on some days out here and there.but has to be said we have had a lot of rubbish weather so its been tricky...

This was at Lanhydrock....that was a fun day out!and then I went here....

This was at Boscastle and yesterday we went to the Beach!But I wasn't interested in running around....I just wanted to chill out!

So there you have it plus a few extra jobs around the house to many to list....Hopefully we can get back to normal programing now!

Sunday 2 June 2019

Hello, long time no see!

Hello,long time no see!Gosh it seems like forever since I've blogged!Is anybody out there?Well I went on vacation with my parents and it went like this.....
 My first outing at the ponds
 Mama and Papa and babies first sighting at the ponds

 Me chilling...

 Mama,Papa and babies

 Lost Gardens of Heligan

And then something bad happened the goslings got taken leaving a sad mama and papa Geese.....

 mummy gave them a snack cause they were sad
Here is the villain of the peace!
 Me chilling with dad!
 we met this fellow at the holiday park...

and my last day before we went home!
While we were away Mr Mickey came home but now he's gone walkabout ....Chasing the girls we think!But we have had lots of Hedgehog visits from others...Black spot,Reggie,Lola and Mickey we think so the garden has been busy.Then Mummy caught a cold and has been poorly all week but she still took me to the beach last weekend and up on the moors...
So there you have it 2 or 3 weeks summed up!