Tuesday 31 October 2017

Halloween High Jinks

Its Halloween ,Speedy and Fido went out for adventure
Exploring they went along the river bank...
They rounded the corner the mist and gloom rolled in all eerie.....
Onward they went through the gloom....
The gloom deepened ,then there was a flash!.....
And there a queer House did appear!.....
Another flash and our duo felt queer!...
And as if by magic they were dressed for Halloween!......
Happy Halloween Everyone!

Monday 30 October 2017

The Day before Halloween Adventures

Hi everyone Me and Fido Managed to get out Yesterday and today as the sun was out and mummy said we should make the most of it....so first we went to Hexworthy by the river ...

then we nipped to Badgers Holt on the same river....

and then today we just went to a local stretch of the moors....

and we had this fellow sing to us while we was there...

a cute little Robin!
Now don't forget to come back tomorrow for my Halloween Special!

Sunday 29 October 2017

Sunday Selfie's with Fido and Me!

Hi everyone its time for Sunday Selfies again and for another Adventure with Fido and Me!This time we managed to get to the beach for some fun on the sand!

Now time to explore...

Are you coming Fido?
Come on Fido lets play!