Thursday 5 October 2017

Thank you for all the Birthday wishes and Cards

I just wanted to say Thank You to all of you who sent me Birthday wishes and a really Big THANK YOU to those that sent me birthday cards and here they are.............
From Murphy and Maila and Aunty Alexa

From Angel Mr Mick and Aunty Jade

from Dougie,Zoe and Aunty Ann at Zoolatry

From Suzie and Aunty Tracy

From Aunty Kathy

From Aunty Kathy
From Chanel Bunny and Aunty Gagori

From Cin and Fin

From Miss Lola and Aunty Jade

from Aunty Drea

From Ollie and Lola and Aunty Sherina

From Aunty Sabine
I had a pawsome day with lots of snuggles with mummy!


  1. Those are some great cards. I'm glad you had a nice birthday.

  2. speedy...dood....glad ya hada grate day ....yur cardz are total lee kewl !!! hope ya getted sum extree hay ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

  3. Oh Speedy those are lovely cards! Happy hoppy 6th Birthday dear boy. I apologize for not getting in touch or making you a card. I've been nursing Siddhartha Henry so much that I have not had time or energy to do anything extra.
    Much love Sherri-Ellen & Siddhartha Henry x0x0x0

  4. What lovely birthday cards, Speedy!

  5. SIX years old Sir Speedy! We celebrate you dear one. LOVE!

  6. We love you Speedy!
    Thanks to you, I finally got to see to ocean and go to a beach party!
    You bring us all joy and love plus much, much more.
    So, I hope you had a wonderful Birthday!
    Hugs from Auntie Kathy and her her new Service Dog, Eli <3

  7. Speedy your cards are lovely! Sorry my Mom was too lazy to make us one to send to you! xoxo catchatwithcarenandcody

  8. Those are lovely cards ! We're glad you had a great birthday celebration ! Purrs


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