Monday 10 October 2022

Adventures with your Gossip Bunny Little Miss Titch

 Hello Blogville, its your one and only Gossip Bunny with the latest from our little neck of the woods.

Jo the Crow hasn't been around for a few days, mummy think its because the weather has been a bit windy and given that he is recovering from a feather mite problem and his tail is a bit short he's decided to stay closer to his home. we spoke to our friend and she said he was ok that he was hanging around her home a lot so I guess the weather is why. She also got him a dog treat puzzle which he worked our very quickly and enjoys playing with that....I did say he was very Clever didn't I? but here is a photo from one of our last visit from Jo...

Mum also took me on a couple of adventures first was to Finch Foundry....

We went on a tour and learnt all about the foundry. Mummy Carried me on the tour which I love cause it means extra cuddles and who doesn't love cuddles? And next to it was a Quaker Cemetery. That was fun nosing around visiting all the residents. We also went to a local tea shop for a cup of tea which was very nice for me. It was nice to be on an adventure where I was welcome everywhere! And then on another day we went to Postbridge to visit the medieval clapper bridge.....

You'll have to excuse the squinting from mummy the sun was a bit bright but isn't that Bridge Cool?

Mum has some gardening jobs to do here before the weather breaks again and we have Goosey Fair here this week so we will be staying home for a bit, which is a bit boring but at least mum is on her days off from work. I don't really like it when mummy goes to work! Daddy says I get moody when mummy isn't around and says no more female rabbits if they get another one in the future because they are to needy. I'm not sure what he is on about with the needy thing that's for sure, do you guys know?

So That's all the Gossip form my neck of the woods until next time....

                                                    xoxo Little Miss Titch