Sunday 26 April 2020

Where has the time gone?

Where has the time gone?Mum was supposed to have done a post about the Hedgehogs in the garden but that went bye bye....The reason is I have a swollen right front paw.don't mind the photo it was taken before mum bathed it....
So since Monday I have been on a course of antibiotics and painkiller with daily foot baths to keep it clean,it now looks like this..
the redness has reduce and a little bit of the swelling has gone down,but it is still a bit swollen and sore so this is being emailed to the vets to see if they want to see me or give me something else.

As for Pup the female and Hogmite the male hedgehogs that over wintered in the green house they have successfully been released....but to our surprise they mated before Hogmite went off on walk about looking for more ladies.Pup stayed for a while but she has gone walk about too but I think hse still comes for a bit of food and water sometimes.But We have a new visitor another male who comes for dinner one of last years babies...could even be pups brother who disappeared.And Pups Mum has moved back for a bit too.Mummy has some video footage to upload but she has been busy with me and the garden so she hasn't had much time to do it but she some point!

Also we heard the Brian's Dad has been poorly and is in Hospital,we hope he feels better soon!

Sunday 19 April 2020

Hello!I'm Back from a little break

I know its been a few weeks since I last posted.Who knew the being on Lock Down would create so much work at home.So when the restrictions started Mum started this...
The Garden went from this to this...

Then she started doing veggies and repurposed some stuff to make a raised veggie bed....

she did some herbs,dwarf runner beans,carrots,potatoes and tomatoes in the greenhouse!
The garden then looked like this....
Mummy has got some other veg and herbs going in the green house and the tomatoes are now little plants.Mum has some new seeds to start and she has some more on order,So that is a work in progress.However the garden now looks like this....

As you can see the grass is growing,as are the potatoes,carrots,strawberries and some more runner beans.Mum has been very busy even the sheds have been painted but need some new felt for the wooden shed roof. ans there are some other jobs to continue with like cutting the grass in places out the front garden.But all the Hedgehog nest boxes are out the front but I'll tell you all about my prickly friends in the week...I have so much to tell you about them.

But today I got to do this....

And I had this great thank you gift from Valentine  at Noir Kitty Mews,he invited me to do a fun interview with him.It was lots of fun so you should go take a look if you haven't already

Anyway I'll tell you all about the Hedgies in the week...Stay safe and have fun!