Sunday 31 December 2017

Speedy's last Selfies for the Year!

High Everyone,its New Years Eve and its a Sunday so its time for the last Sunday Selfies for the Year.This week we have had some pretty interesting weather here in the UK from Storms,rain and wind to Snow and sunshine.Today its back to Storms,wind and rain so I decided to share some snow fun that we had this week here in my neck of the woods....

Mickey the Hedgehog is still feeding most days apart from missing a day here and there but for the last couple of weeks he hasn't missed a day.we thought he would have gone to sleep by now but no he's happy chowing down every night and we are cool with that.

Tomorrow I will be announcing my 3 favourites of my Christmas and Holiday Countdown so make sure you hop by for that...

Tuesday 26 December 2017

Boxing day....Christmas day Movies!

Hi everyone,I hope you all had a pawsome day yesterday...I know I did.So I have lots of Videos to share with you.If you have a little trouble viewing the videos just click the links below each one they will take you to Youtube direct.So lets get started....don't mind my dad....he gets a little silly sometimes...

Now some videos of my Christmas House!

Now some photo's of me with my new Castle from Buncle Martin....

And we have had some more E-cards so we need to continue with the card count I have 16 paper cards....
and I have 41 E-cards with 4 new ones from The Cat on My Head,Cat wisdom 101,Sasha and Savannah and Sage....

Mummy has 20 paper cards and Daddy has 3
And they have 4 E-cards with 2 new ones.....

Mummy say's we are still waiting for more so we haven't got a final total yet!

Monday 25 December 2017

Christmas Day The final day of My Countdown!

Wowzers its Finally Christmas Day and that means its the last day of my Countdown.....its been so much fun sharing with you all everyone's entries each day,But first I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays and that you all have the best day today!So lets Celebrate with a little Music first....

And I think we need another one to get us all in the mood for today's Festivities....

Now its time to reveal our final entries starting with the cute kitty called Rowena...
She sure loves her tree.....Then we have the Tree and Decorations from those Kitties Blue from The Cat on My Head.....

Beautiful as always at their crib and We have to enter Ruby with hers Antlers don't we?It just Wouldn't be Christmas Without them!
Now we have a bit more from my Christmas house.....

Mummy Hasn't put lights up for ages but yesterday she decide to put the snowman and these Icicles in the window as a last minute thing.Now time for the card count so far as of this morning I have 13 Paper Cards
But I know mummy said more are due and E-cards I have 37 with new ones from Mudpie,Binky and her granny,Ruby and Princess Erin and her beu Valentine...

Mummy has 20 paper cards the 2 she gave to daddy and she has 2 E-Cards...
But she said more were due so we don't have the final count yet for cards.

Thank you to you all for helping make this years Countdown a fantastic one.....Now off you go...time to enjoy your selves with your Families!

Sunday 24 December 2017

Christmas Eve Day 24 of my Countdown!

HOLY BUNOLY tomorrow is Christmas day and Santa is already on his way around the world delivering to all the good children and furry ones too!So time for that important reminder you all have time to enter my Countdown all you have to do is get you photo's in by 5am uk time tomorrow when mummy turns the pc on to be entered on my final post of the countdown on Christmas Day!Just check out the details on how to enter at the bottom of this post!

Our Next Entries come from Kinley Westie ,She's looking very pretty in her Christmas dress with her tree behind her....
Gorgeous don't you think? Then we have one of the Lone Star Cats all dressed up too with the tree in the back...
Very Dapper if I say so my self! We also have My Aunty Jade's Tree...Miss Lola Bun refused to pose but that's ok...

Now as you know I do a bit of reporting for Carma and mum made the Christmas Wish Memes and well she did this photo edit of Carma for her Mummy Bunny...
So please hop on over to check it out....and of course Mummy did this one of me too....
so this is my entry for Sunday Selfies Blog Hop.....Now on to the Card count I have 13 paper cards with a new one from one of my Aunty Kathy's...
And I have 32 E-cards with 2 new one's from Cathy Keisha and Chanel Bunny
Mummy has 19 paper cards and she gave dad 2 and she still has 2 E-cards....

Now don't forget there is plenty of time to enter my Count down by sending your photo's of you and you decorations to [email protected] or by posting them straight to my Facebook event here! All entries will be posted both here and on my Facebook event and will run everyday with the final post on Christmas Day!And my Favourite 3 will get a surprise gift after the main day to carry on the holiday spirit.....cause no one wants it to end do they?