Friday 31 March 2017

Thank Bunny its Friday!

OMB this week has been a long week.....It feels like Friday was dragging her heels in turning up this week SO Thank the Bunny its Friday is all I can say!

How ever I did get to go on an adventure yesterday and mum got to take some great photo's with her new phone so I'll start with some new photo's and then finish with some old ones then you can decide what you think!

So we start with some views the first 4 were zoomed up a little...

and these 3 were just at the normal basic focus setting...

As you can see mum was playing a bit now on to me....

Now no playing on these just as they come the next ones mum played with some built in filters...

has to be said I do like the top 2...and to top it all I met this little guy...

And both mummy and me had pony kisses and I liked it....hehehe!

And then mum decide to take some close ups of this beetle...

Now for some old photo's.....just a selection for a comparison!

Any way I hope you enjoyed the photo's from yesterday's adventure ,but I'll let you decide on the photo's....Me and Mummy think the new ones are heaps better!

Thursday 30 March 2017

Speedy's Movie Day!

Hello Everyone and welcome to another Movie Day!Mum recently got a new phone and she is gradually getting to grips with the Camera.She got a Huawei P9 which has a dual camera lenses which sounds a bit strange to me but what do I know I'm just a Rabbit but mum says it takes better photos of me and videos so I guess that is all that matters!The first 2 videos are from my last beach adventure which was taken on mums old phone.....

These next Videos have been done on the new phone....

This next one is done indoors with the new phone...

and the final video is a google highlights of last weekend...

So what do you think of the new videos done on the new phone?Tomorrow we'll do some photo's to see what you think of those,but until then I hope you enjoyed the show

Monday 27 March 2017

Disapproving Bun Day!

Today we have to for one for Disapproving Bun Day!We have Latte and Espresso from Disapproving Bun!
"No See here there are 2 of us and you expect this measly salad to feed us both Hoomin?!!!Now Hop to it and get us another!"

Hehehe thanks to Tomasz for sending this in

We always need Disapproving Bunny photo's so Send them it to me at [email protected]

And For more Disapproving bunnies hop on over to Disapproving Bun!

Sunday 26 March 2017

Happy Mothers Day in the UK!

It's Sunday Selfie Day today and it is also Mothers day here in the UK so I want to wish all the mums a Happy Mothers Day!
Also the Clocks went forward an hour today what a horrid day to do that on!
No movie day this week as we haven't been any where exciting this week and Mum has been gardening this week to with some help from moi of course.And then we have had the excitement of Reggie the Hedgehog waking up from His/Her winter slumber!
Next week we hope to be back to normal with Disapproving Bun Day tomorrow and movie day later in the week!Have a wonderful Lazy Bunday today!

Friday 24 March 2017

Friday Surprise From Ann at Zoolarty

OMB We are so excited today!Mummy open our email box just now to find we had a email from Dougie Dog,Zoey and their Mummy Ann from ZOOLARTY.
You can imagine our surprise when we read the lovely email and saw these to Headers attached to the email......

Aren't they Fabulous?We love their work and I am sure you have seen other fine examples that they have done for many of our friends in Blogville!
So we want to Say a BIG THANK YOU to Mummy Ann over at ZOOLARTY for these beautiful Headers and to say we can't wait to use them!

Now for another Reggie the Hedgehog Up Date:

Reggie hasn't gone back to sleep which we are very thankful for because it really wouldn't be good for Reggie to do that.He has been chowing down and eating everything mummy has been putting out for him.She has been gradually increasing the amount that she has been putting in his bowl each day.Here is today offering for Reggie...
This week she decide to buy some Hedgehog kibble to use instead of the cat kibble as Reggie wasn't eating it all as she thought it might be difficult to get his / her little mouth around them.the first night she tried them with food Reggie left them behind so last night Mummy broke them up in to smaller pieces this morning Reggie's bowl was completely empty so mummy will keep breaking them up for Reggie.So tonight's dinner is Cesar classic pate doggy food in chicken and turkey with broken up hedgehog kibble and some meal worms on top with a nice drink of fresh water....hope he / she likes the menu tonight!

Tuesday 21 March 2017

Reggie the Hedgehog UPDATE!

Reggie The Hedgehog Up Date!

Well remember the little fella that Mum and Dad rescued?Well we fed him/her and gave him/her a few nest options which Reggie decided under the shed was the perfect spot to nest under.We also fed Reggie until Christmas Day as after that Reggie decided to hibernate for the rest of the winter.
Mummy continued to leave dry cat food and meal worms and fresh water under the shed for him/her in case Reggie woke up.

Well the last couple of weeks we began hearing about Hedgehog sightings on the internet and in the local town....but no sign of Reggie....But yesterday mummy checked the food and water bowls....and guess what? Some of the cat biscuits and all the meal worms were gone and the water bowl had been disturbed too!
And when mummy brought the bowls in to clean and refill she saw little hedgehog paw prints on the side of the bowl.Mum was hoping she wasn't wrong and that Reggie had woken up.So with that hope she refilled the bowls with fresh food and water.....only this time she put wet cat food with some cat biscuits and meal worms on top and put them under the shed!

Well the good News is Reggie has definitely woken up....The bowl was practically empty when mummy checked it this the bowls have been refilled and put back under the shed.The down side is its gone like winter again.....we had a big hail storm and it turned everything white and there is snow on the moors!What a time for Reggie to wake up!Still we shall keep feeding him/her because Hedgehogs can lose almost half their body weight when they hibernate.So for the next few weeks we will fatten Reggie up before opening up the back garden so that he/she has a good start.Then Reggie can explore the front garden as well and then leave or stay if he or she wants too,But for now we will give you regular updates and mummy said she will try to get a photo if she can.But we think at the moment Reggie is just chowing down on the food we are giving and then going back to sleep as He/She must be pretty weak from watch out for more Up Dates!

Disapproving Bun Day will be back Next week!

Sunday 19 March 2017

Sunday Selfie and Movie day!

Well gosh things have been busy here with outings and coming and goings from visitors as well ,that mummy forgot to do my movie day post so today we have Sunday Selfies with The Cat on My Head and Movie Day rolled in to one post!

So lets do the Sunday Selfies first as Mummy got a new smartphone with a fancy camera built in...

and here I was thinking time for some treats.....

Now time for Movie Day!
And as I was trying to scare some snacks from mummy when she was taking photos of me she filmed it as well....

Now for a trip down the Bunny Trails.....these were done with the old phone.....

These photos were taken with the old phone!Bunny holes and poops!

Well I hope you enjoy my to for one post today

Friday 17 March 2017

Happy St Patrick's Day!

Hi Every one! Today its St Patrick's day so we wish you all the luck of the Irish!
 Now who's joining me at my pub to Celebrate with Me?
The bar is open and its a new season at me Pub......Come on in the Guinness is on me!