Sunday 23 February 2020

All systems are go!

5 4 3 2 1 All systems are go!! Yes finally Mummy is happy,the PC is back!All newly rebuilt with pretty much everything inside all a brand new PC only not completely.

Anyway we have News on the Hedgehog front.Pup's mum has come back after her 2nd half winter sleep, and she's moved back into her nest box in the front garden. Hogmite paid a visit to the front garden and well got shoved about by Pup's mum but he's still living in the greenhouse so here is last nights footage....

And well I'm still here same as usual staying indoors out of the wet and the wind....

Sunday 16 February 2020

On the other side of storm Denis

Phew I'm glad that's nearly  over,Denis is pushing away now, its still wet and windy out but not like it was. We're still with out a PC as it is in the middle of being rebuilt so we're relegated to still using the tablet so we can't do links....and with that in mind you need to pay a visit to my Facebook page  with there is a link some where on my side bar of my blog,because mummy managed to upload some new videos of Hogmite the male juvenile the was released  from the greenhouse that you really need to see.
Hogmite had been roaming about doing what hedgehogs do. He would occasionally stop by for a snack in the front garden food station  but not the greenhouse  and after we got hit by the previous storm Ciara  last weekend  and it being wet and windy on and off all week, Hogmite decided to check the greenhouse out on Wednesday night. He enjoy  a meal and drink from there and in the front garden food station  and trundled  off,Thursday night he came back and moved back in to his old nest box and  he is still  there  after eating all the food in the greenhouse. He did go out a couple of times but wasn't keen on the storm as it spooked  him a bit and well it was horrible last night so he stayed in there  dry most of the time. He has lost a  little weight  and picked up a couple of ticks but otherwise looks  in good shape.  We are very happy to have Hogmite back.
Pup is at a local  rehab  as her weight was still going up and down  and sometimes she wouldn't  eat so she is there to figure out what is going on with her for a couple of weeks. The  rahab seems to think she may not  have been  quite  warm enough so the hospital  hutch in the shed has had some extra insulation  added ready for Pup to come back.
Any way we are all ok so here's  a little photo of me!

Saturday 15 February 2020

Valentine's day sorry it's a day late

Happy belated Valentine's day to you all!
We're battening down the hatches again as storm Denis has just arrived....see you on the other side !

Sunday 9 February 2020

No PC Sunday selfie

Dad broke the PC so I'm barely doing this and we have storm Ciara so we are battening down the hatches.....see you on the other side

Monday 3 February 2020

Happy 8th Gotcha Day Speedy!

Woo Hoo its my Gotcha Day! 8 Years ago today Mummy and Daddy brought me home and Gave the best home a Bunny could have!Now I think that is a good enough reason to celebrate don't you?So Lets Party!!!!!!

Boogie Boogie time....Woohoo!
Thanks to BellaDharma for this cool Gotcha Day card!

Now time for Nibbles and Drinkies!
Now Help Yourselves to the Buffet and Bar!

Sunday 2 February 2020

Sunday Selfies....Update with the Hotel Speedy!

It's Sunday again and well I'm kind of over winter now,not that its been winter really.It's just been wet really either cold and wet or milder but wet with just a couple of frosty days.Everything is just mud and yet more mud.The ground is so soaked it squelches! So now I want Spring to come and the rain to go away!So we can have this....

Pup finished her course of Lung worm injections on Wednesday and her weight stabilised at around 580g ,not moving just staying the same and then all of a sudden she started to eat more and Mum weighed her on Friday and she gained 25g over night so went up to 605g.Pup is still eating more now but mum didn't get the chance to weigh her yesterday so she will do it today when she cleans Pups Hutch out.Pup will stay in the Hutch on the heat pad where mum can keep a close eye on her and can adjust the temperature of the heat pad with the weather so if it goes a bit colder it can be upped a bit and dropped back if milder like it is at the moment.Plus Mum needs to check her weight because the lungworm could come back in a couple of weeks as new eggs can hatch out.Mum had a sample of Pups Poop sent off to a special wild life hospital and it came back clear so its now about keeping Pup warm and checking her weight and food in take.If everything keeps going the way it is in a few weeks when Spring is here she can go back in to the greenhouse to get used to the back garden and then released to the front a bit later on....well that's the get Pup back to being a proper Hedgehog doing what they do by May.

Now for stuff about me!Can you believe that tomorrow is my 8th Gotcha Day!?? Me neither! 8 Years ago on the 3rd of February my parents went looking for me and Brought me home that very same day!Where does the time fly?!So I think a little party is in order Tomorrow Don't You?So Join me tomorrow where we can relive some of my past adventures and have a few snacks and may be a few Carrotini's!