Sunday 27 August 2017

Sunday Selfies at the beach!

Yes its Sunday so its time for Sunday Selfies with The Cat on My Head and this weeks is from a day out at the beach....
Yes I got Grubby rolling around in the sand.....hehehe and it was fun!
Snack time...
The tide was out and yes it is possible to walk over to those cliffs on the other side of the river estuary if you feel like that much exercise!

Sunday 20 August 2017

Sunday Selfies.....Butt selfies?

Yes its Sunday so that means Sunday Selfies with the Cat on My Head....
Or should I say Butt Selfies.....hehehehe!
Last week we had a couple of beach adventures when we managed to get some decent weather so enjoy them all!

as you can see one of the days was really busy which kept me busy with my adoring public!

Thursday 17 August 2017

Speedy Review Sansbug Pop up Mosquito Net tent

Hello and welcome to another Speedy review.We was sent a Sansbug Pop up Mosquito net tent to do a review and see how it would work as a pop up play pen for Speedy.You can purchase the Sansbug pop up tent from Amazon there are 3 options available in this size tent:

1 person poly floor Sansbug pop up tent

1 person tarp floor Sansbug pop up tent

1 person all mesh poly floor Sansbug pop up tent

These are also available on Amazon in the US you can click here to see the options available

here is a demo video on how to use the tent with a direct Youtube link here

It was very easy to erect and to fold down again.I like the carry bag as it has straps that you can use to carry on your back ,its also very light weight so all this makes it easy to transport.It measures 86" x 39" x 35" and folds down to 26" disc for the storage bag.

We used is a few times on trips to the beach and in the garden to get Speedy used to the tent
And while he would go inside to investigate the tent he wouldn't stay inside for long
And every time I zipped the tent up with him inside he would try to chew his way out.I'm afraid the Speedy is a chewer and can get grumpy easily.He just wasn't having him self enclosed in side the tent.
So as a pop up play pen for Speedy this was a fail for him as I think that he is to old to start using something like this as a play pen and coupled with the fact that he chews and destroys things when he is in a bad temper it just doesn't work.We are planing a camping trip at some point so this will be great to put his metal play pen inside to keep it bug free so this will be very useful then And then we will do another review on how that trip went.

To sum this Pop up tent from Sansbug as a pop up play pen......

1:The tent can provide a safe play area outdoors so that your pet doesn't feel left out when you are in the garden,on your deck or at a nice picnic spot.
2: It can keep them away from the Christmas tree and presents and keep them safe when you're doing home renovations.
3:It can provide your pet with a stress free environment over the Christmas and holiday periods or when you have guest,by keeping the separated from unwanted petting and unfamiliar guests.
4:It can prevent your pet from spraying and scratching in a hotel room when you are travelling with your pet.
5:For cats and puppies I would say that this would be great to use as a play pen and as safe way to keep them safe and being used as a way to introduce a new pet in to the home.I also thing it would be good with Guinea pigs and pet hedgehogs as an actual playpen to be able to stretch their legs without getting in to mischief.With Rabbits yes I do think it can work if your rabbit isn't a big chewer like Speedy or if you use it with a young rabbit so that they get used to it from a young age.

I would not recommend leaving your pet unattended in the tent or use it for nervous pets as the mesh is fine and can tear easily

And I will certainly try this tent with any future bunnies and I look forward to trying it on our camping trip to keep Speedy's play pen bug free.

Disclaimer: We wasn't paid for this review.We was sent a free tent to trial with Speedy and all opinions are our own.

Sunday 13 August 2017

Sunday Selfies

Yes it is time for me to join in with Sunday Selfies so here we are ....its chilly and more like Autumn...
So I'm going to stay right here snuggled up with mummy....

Saturday 12 August 2017

Saturday Movie Day with Speedy

Hi everyone its Saturday so I thought it was time for another movie day,these are from this week and I think you may end up dying from cuteness over these so enjoy! Youtube Link

Well I hope you survived the cuteness and enjoy your week end!

Wednesday 9 August 2017

Unique Blogger Award

Wow this is pawsome My friendly Viking at Cranny's Cove Nominated for this great award,She has this great blog that covers all her musing from poetry to what ever she feels like writing about at her Blogging convenience store as she calls it,so you should check out this great blog.

 So here are the rules:
 Link to the blog who showed you the love by Nominating you.
 Answer the Questions you are given.
 In the spirit of sharing love and solidarity with our Blogging family nominate 8 to 13 fellow bloggers. Ask the people you nominate 3 questions.

So here are my answers to her Questions: Name one weird attraction I could visit if I came to your city/country 4d5217ff1373b804eb_4679647501_d1677b3565_b Bowermans Nose Legend says that this rock formation was once a hunter who was turned in to stone by some annoyed witches.

Whats one thing on your Bucket list(don't have a bucket list pretend?)
 Hmmm well I have done most things but one thing I haven't done yet is go on a camping trip with my mummy but is is planed for the future but mummy is waiting on the weather to get better.

Whats one thing you would like to change about yourself ? Are you currently working on that ?
 Hmmm well Bunnies are perfect so nothing about me would I change but us bunnies are working on world domination....Bunnies rule!

Now time for my Nominations well I don't have so many because well I'm a bunny and we can do what we like:
Mimi Writes
Rumpy Dog
Crafty Green Poet
Home Sweet Home Wyoming
Tails around the Ranch
Erin the Cat Princess

Now for my 3 questions:
Where is the one place in the whole world you would like to visit and why? What is your favourite Dish that you love above all others?
What is you favourite season and why?

Monday 7 August 2017

An exciting Blogging and travel article to share with you all!

As you know I'm and adventure bunny who gets to travel to all sorts of places on days out and vacation spots with my mummy.And we like to share those trips with you so you get to come along too.

Well we have been lucky enough to be featured on this great blog post from Top 9 Pet Bloggers 2017 ,On the blog post they feature 9 great bloggers including me so you should check it out . is from Tripadvisor Rentals where you can book holiday rentals here in the UK or friendly and non pet friendly properties to suit all your needs.Mummy uses Tripadvisor to check all sort of travel stuff out all the time,she really like Tripadvisor so she will definitely be checking out the web site for future Vacations.

There is a facebook page and a twitter too @holidaylettings so check them out there too!

Disclaimer:We have not been paid for this post,any opinions expressed our purely ours from personal experience.

Sunday 6 August 2017

Sunday Selfies with me and some friends

Yep its Sunday so its time for Selfies from yours truly and a few friends....
Sorry had little itch....
A little better....
Okay time to are my friends...

So that is some of my new friends...

Now for a little up date on the latest Hedgehog....well its at Uncle Colin's for rehabilitation and it will be released back into the wild from there and it was a little boy.We will get updates from Uncle Colin on how he is doing and will let you know when we know.

Saturday 5 August 2017

Adventure Bunny Speedy a Movie day!

Wow Saturday is finally here...sure was a long time coming wasn't it?Well is been a while and I thought its Saturday so we have to have some movies!These are from some recent adventures I have had with mummy....

Click here for direct Youtube link

Well that's all for today....hopefully mummy will be able to load more videos as Youtube is being glitchy so new videos are slow to appear when she loads them.Have A Great Weekend Everybody!