Wednesday 9 August 2017

Unique Blogger Award

Wow this is pawsome My friendly Viking at Cranny's Cove Nominated for this great award,She has this great blog that covers all her musing from poetry to what ever she feels like writing about at her Blogging convenience store as she calls it,so you should check out this great blog.

 So here are the rules:
 Link to the blog who showed you the love by Nominating you.
 Answer the Questions you are given.
 In the spirit of sharing love and solidarity with our Blogging family nominate 8 to 13 fellow bloggers. Ask the people you nominate 3 questions.

So here are my answers to her Questions: Name one weird attraction I could visit if I came to your city/country 4d5217ff1373b804eb_4679647501_d1677b3565_b Bowermans Nose Legend says that this rock formation was once a hunter who was turned in to stone by some annoyed witches.

Whats one thing on your Bucket list(don't have a bucket list pretend?)
 Hmmm well I have done most things but one thing I haven't done yet is go on a camping trip with my mummy but is is planed for the future but mummy is waiting on the weather to get better.

Whats one thing you would like to change about yourself ? Are you currently working on that ?
 Hmmm well Bunnies are perfect so nothing about me would I change but us bunnies are working on world domination....Bunnies rule!

Now time for my Nominations well I don't have so many because well I'm a bunny and we can do what we like:
Mimi Writes
Rumpy Dog
Crafty Green Poet
Home Sweet Home Wyoming
Tails around the Ranch
Erin the Cat Princess

Now for my 3 questions:
Where is the one place in the whole world you would like to visit and why? What is your favourite Dish that you love above all others?
What is you favourite season and why?


  1. oh than you Speedy, that's so sweet of you! I'll put together my answers soon and nominate some other bloggers!

  2. Congratulations on your award, Speedy!

  3. Hello Speedy boy! I love the idea of world rule by rabbits; you would all promote peace and fun!

    If I could visit a place RIGHT NOW, it would be the British countryside. I want to see it all!

  4. You're unique because I don't know of any other Bunny bloggers.

  5. Concatulations on your award, Speedy ! Purrs

  6. You most DEFINITELY ARE UNIQUE! Purrfect award! Congratulations!! catchatwithcarenandcody

  7. That's so cool, Speedy! Congrats on your award!

  8. That's an interesting rock formation. I think you might have your work cut out for you to overtake kitties in the quest for world domination. :-)

  9. Conkatss on yur furabuluss award Speedy! Pleeze do not bee uppyset with mee fur not beein around. What with mee walkin LadyMum twice a day an takin care of her with her 'seizey momintss' an tryin to practice mee Buudhist teechinss mee has been sue-purr busy...
    Wee must go on an adventure sumtime this Autumm... ;)
    ***nose bumpsss*** Siddhartha Henry xXXx


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