Sunday 20 August 2017

Sunday Selfies.....Butt selfies?

Yes its Sunday so that means Sunday Selfies with the Cat on My Head....
Or should I say Butt Selfies.....hehehehe!
Last week we had a couple of beach adventures when we managed to get some decent weather so enjoy them all!

as you can see one of the days was really busy which kept me busy with my adoring public!


  1. Oh Speedy boy, your BUTT is adorable!!!!!!!!!! And, what a great beach view you had! Your weather has been lovely as it has been here, but sprinkled with days of rain, leaving us feeling as if autumn is knocking on your "beach door." ENJOY!

  2. What a wonderful day you had, Speedy! I would adore running on the beach there. The sky is beautiful and the weather fine...perhaps I can get into my tunnel and point it your direction to visit a few hours one day. OR you can hop into YOUR transporter unit and visit me? I have a lot to show you and we will have many many toys!

    1. I'll warm up the magic closet for you,xx Speedy

    2. We LOVE your BUTT selfies!!!

      The Florida Furkids

  3. Butt of course you look terrific Speedy!

  4. Oh I wondered where all the sun was this week, we just had rain MOL
    Looks like you had a great time, and had lots of company too. Isn't it nice to see blue skies once more!

  5. I see everyone else at the beach brought their rabbits also.

  6. Speedy, you are funny! I bet you had a lot of people visiting and admiring you at the beach.

  7. Butt selfies are great, especially bunny butts! It sure was beautiful on your outings!

  8. But you have the cutest little bum, Speedy!

  9. Your butt selfies are adorable ! Purrs

  10. Mew mew mew you has thee cutest bunny butt EFURR mee furend Speedy!
    An thee Beech lookss so luvley an thee sky so blue...them cloudss are purrty kewl all so. Yur a lucky bunny boy fur sure!!!
    ~~~head rubsss~~~ Siddhartha Henry~~~

  11. Oh I do like your butt selfies Speedy!!! Sometimes I give mum a bit of a butt angle when she's trying to take a photo of me ;)
    Lots of licks,
    your friend Morrie

  12. You have such a cute little bottom Speedy. XO

  13. Speedy, you deserve a prize for your fluffy butt selfies! And we bet you had oodles of adoring fans at the beach.

  14. Speedy, you have an adorable rump.

    Does the beach come with all those fabric screens installed (by some government type agency)? Is that for privacy or to give protection from the wind?

  15. There is no Butt about it, I bet you were a total star!!!!

    It looks like you had gorgeous weather!!

    Marjorie and the Dash Kitten Crew

  16. That is one cute Bun butt you have there Speedy!!
    Arty & Jakey

  17. Oh Speedy, your buttselfies are FABulous my handsome furiend!!!! I likes throwin' in a few of those myself every once in awhile, keeps things fresh! BOL
    I bets everyone just loooooved you there at the beach! It looks really nice!
    Ruby ♥

  18. Butt of course, you look fabulous, Speedy!

  19. Nice butt, Speedy!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  20. We think it is so neat you get to go to the beach. We bet lots of people were surprised to see you there and we bet everyone wanted to pet you. Mommy misses her rabbit Happy Hoppy (she was only 4 when she named him).

  21. hello speedy its dennis the vizsla dog oh hay wow luk at all those peepul lined up to see yoo!!! sutch ar the parils of faym tho!!! ok bye


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