Thursday 28 February 2013

World Spay Day 2013 Pet Pageant and Speedy!

Today I entered my Beautiful Boy Speedy in the World Spay Day 2013 Pet Pageant by Humane Society Just to see how he does.He's a long way behind other entrant's but I'm asking you all to help him out by voting for him you can vote once per day,so please vote for him!
Don't forget his Gotcha Day party on Saturday too,You're all invited! 

Wednesday 27 February 2013

Speedy's and Valentine's Day!

O.K I know its a bit late posting this but its taken so long to catch up with everyone and Speedy's blog but its better late than never to post these photos of Speedy and His Valentine's card that I made from me and his Dad.

I guess Speedy liked it as he nibbled one corner a bit....Tee Hee! 

Sunday 24 February 2013


While I was away at Grandmas I had my 1st gotcha Day which means I have been with my Mummy and Daddy for 12 months and as they missed it they have decided to give me a belated party for next week end and you are all invited!How cool is that!My Party is on Saturday 2nd March so put that on your calendars and in your diary's so you don't miss it!
In the meantime here are my first baby photo's that Mummy took of me when I firs came home!

Friday 22 February 2013

Look what arrived in the post!

Look what arrived in the post while we were away!We had this sent from Lavender Rabbits Hoppenings, Auntie Michelle from The Raspberry Rabbits won this the last prize draw from Lavender rabbits and decided to have it sent to us.

Isn't it pretty and there was a small bag of papaya pieces for me too!
Then we had this From our Auntie Karen and my cousin Jensen from Rabbits eat Quilts.

A note book with a quilted cover and a new Speedy scarf for me,all made by my Auntie Karen,we have such lovely friends though they are not just friends they My Aunties so they are family!Thank you so much Auntie Michelle and Auntie Karen!
And here is me with my new Speedy scarf....hehehe!

Wednesday 20 February 2013


Before I went to my Grandma's I received the Very Inspiring Blogger Award from my new friend Bacon at Pig Love
The rules for this is Award are:
1. Link back to the blog who nominated you -My friend Bacon at Pig Love
2. Post the image to you page - done
3. Share 7 Facts about you
4. Nominate other blog and inform them about it

So here are 7 facts about me!
1. I had my gotcha day while I was at my Grandma's so I have been with my family for 12 months.
2. My favourite Treats are peanuts Wagg Carrot and Apple bakes.
3. I love having cuddles in bed with mummy and daddy.
4. I love to play chase with mummy when I run upstairs a scoot under the bed...hehehe!
5. One of my favourite play things is paper which I just love to shred!
6. When the weather is warm and sunny I love to go out in my garden and race about.
7. I love tugging at mummy and daddy's trousers and then running off...hehehe.

Now to nominate some of my friends:
The Misadventures of Misaki
The Online Canine
Brian's Home
Cat Chat
Clovie Boy
Pawsitively Pets

Then My Pal Nerissa at Nerrisa's Life gave me this Award

Isn't it lovely?I am definitely feeling the love from my friends and for my friends.
So the only rule's is to link back to the blog who gave the award to you and to nominate some blogs you love and let them know,and so to my nominees I love:
Voices for Rabbits
Moshi's adventures over the rainbow bridge
House of Rabbits
Me & Me(gan)
Mollie and Alfie
Pig Love
My Mini Pet Pig
Rabbits Eat Quilts
Repositorio da Marilia
Fuzzy Creatures
Please visit my friends so you can see why we love them!

Well that's all for now...xx Speedy

Sunday 17 February 2013

My Speedy Vacation!

As you all know I when to my Grandma's while mummy and daddy when on holiday and I thought I would tell you all about my adventures.
Day 1.I arrived at Grandma's and had lots of cuddles and running around time,I had a bit of trouble with the set up of my travel den and it took some time to get grandma to put it just right them I peed on grandma's lap when she picked me up for a cuddle I tried to tell her that I needed to go pee pee but she didn't understand....ooops!
Day 2.I snuck off to see my buddy Freddy to take him to visit Jensen my new Cousin and his mum my Auntie Karen.....heeheehee Freddy had fun taking turns on my and Jensen's back as we raced around.
Day 3.I snuck off after my morning cuddle with grandma to see another bunny called Speedy that My Auntie Jane told me about who is up for adoption in Austin Texas to give him a pep talk so he will be OK in him new forever home when he gets adopted.followed by a quick stop just north of Austin to Round rock to see the kitties from catcraft and their mum Lee and her grand pup Rocky.
Day 4.I had a lazy morning with Grandma and Grandpa he's funny,he calls me a scamp...hehe.In the afternoon a when to see Umbra to cheer her up and have a romp around her mums room....honest we didn't make that much mess!!...hehehe.
Day 5.I paid a visit to My friend Maddy...She's a Lion head she is quite pretty for a girl but we had great fun racing around her home,she has great treats to snack on and she likes to snuggle and boss me about a bit but I just shrug it off as it keeps her happy and I don't mind to much cause she can be good fun.
Day 6.I had to go see Nibblet my date for the Valentine's ball to sort out my suit to make sure it looked good with her dress.
Day 7.I thought I would go and see Misaki and play with her in the snow which was lots of fun but chilly.
Day 8.I had a lazy day at home with Grandma playing with her and having cuddles.
Day 9.I thought I would go and see my Friend Cody at Cat chat he is a cool dude! he knows how to relax in style.
Day 10.I when to see Winston and the gang at House of Rabbits....Phew that was a busy day with them and I have to make sure I mind my P's and Q's with Princess as she is very Regal.
Day 11.Then I sneaked in to Auntie Brandi's for a few treats Veggie Tops!Yummy!
Day 12.I had another lazy day with Grandma...I love Grandma she gives me lots of treats
Day13.Was all about preparation for the ball and getting Nibblet's corsage .
Day 14.The Valentine Ball!I picked up Nibblet and escorted her to the ball where we Danced most of the night we Swapped partners a couple of times so I had a dance with Misaki and Savannah and a quick one with Nellie before returning her to Alred.THEN some Squirrels gate crashed the Ball causing all sorts of trouble,the Punch got Spiked.But it was a great party and Nibblet was a great Dancer.

Day 15.Mummy and Daddy came Home!Yippee!

Friday 15 February 2013

We're Back!

Hi everybody Just a quickie hello and to say we are back!Its going to take a little while to catch up with you all and to tell you all about my adventures at grandma's but didn't we have fun at the Valentine ball?!xxxx Speedy and Mummy