Wednesday 27 February 2013

Speedy's and Valentine's Day!

O.K I know its a bit late posting this but its taken so long to catch up with everyone and Speedy's blog but its better late than never to post these photos of Speedy and His Valentine's card that I made from me and his Dad.

I guess Speedy liked it as he nibbled one corner a bit....Tee Hee! 


  1. You got a card, how wonderful Speedy :) The paper taste good...Right..BOL xx0xxx
    Mollie and Alfie

  2. I think somebunny loves you a lot, Speedy! ;)

  3. Cute & tasty, great combination!

    Nubbin wiggles,

  4. Very cute Speedy! I wonder if it tasted good?

  5. Any time and for any occasion pictures of Speedy are such a treat. He is so handsome and sweet and well-behaved - a fine young bunster!

    1. Yes he is Jane even when he's being cheeky,xx Rachel

  6. That sure is a bery nice and tasty card Speedy!

  7. And it looks like the envelope is tasty, too. It's like having two treats in one!

  8. Speedy, never too late! Happy belated Valentine's Day!

    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  9. Oh, Speedy, you are just as beautiful today as you were yesterday. Is it hard to always be so cute and precious AND cheeky all at once? Not for My Little Nephew. Your Mum has certainly given and received some beautiful cards. I'd appreciate your telling her when she dashes by. She must be on the run all the time with all she does. How does your Mum get so much done and take such good care of you? Pretty impressive, huh? Snuggles, Little Nephew. Wish you didn't live so far away. Shelter "Speedy" said he REALLY appreciated the visit. He asked me to capitalize "really". There is a lot of internet etiquette that I haven't learned. Hope it's okay. Snuggles, A J

    1. hehehehe you are just perfect Auntie Jane!send SHetler Speedy some nose bonks from me and some snuggles for you,xx Speedy

  10. A Valetine's Card from Mommy and Daddy! How wonderful. And we bet it tasted good too. :p

  11. Wow you got a card, I didn't get any *glares at typist*

  12. Replies
    1. hehehe that's the sot of thing mummy says,xx Speedy

  13. Oh Speedy! Was it that special paper they makes from flowers? Mes thinks yous would find that super tasty!
    Yous is a lucky Bunny, Mommy has not gived me a Valentines card.


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