We Are joining in the Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day Event created by Deborah Barnes of
Zee and Zoeys Cat Chronicles in remembrance of Mr Jazz a cat she had to say goodbye to August 28 2013.
This is Caramel mummy's first bunny he lived till he was 6 and 1/2,he was a feisty bunny who lived with a cat called Smokey and a Spaniel call boots.He would Chase cats out of the garden all the time but was a proper luv bug.he eventually had to be helped to cross the rainbow bridge because he suffered from epilepsy and had one finally seizure that he never really came out of.mummy said this really broke her heart when she was in the vet and held him in his final moments.
This is Smokey mummy's first and only cat she ever had.He was a proper crazy pants type of cat.He was a climber and loved to follow her on walks with Boots,even sitting with boots to cross the road.She had him from 6 weeks old till he was nearly 12 when she had to help him cross the rainbow bridge as he had advanced leukemia.She held him in her arms as he slipped away,broke her heart again.

This is Boots,he was an English Springer Spaniel.He would play with Smokey and Caramel all the time,and in winter all 3 would sprawl out in front of the fire for a snooze.He lived till he was 16 he was out with mummy's mum and stepdad for a day out while she was away abroad,when he got out of the care before the lead could be put on him.He saw a wild bunny and chased him and collapsed massive heart attack but in the end went to sleep at home and slipped away the same day.he crossed the Rainbow bridge doing something he loved and before he got too crippled with arthritis.He wasn't Mummy's dog he belonged to her mum and stepdad but she was the one who bathed him,who could get him to walk on a leash properly and played with him.He always came to her for most things.

And this is my predecessor Thumper,he live with E.C till he was 8 and 1/2.He was a growler,a bit of a grump untill he was about 3 before he decided the mum and dad where worthy of his love and trust.He was in many ways daddy's bunny more than mummy's .Daddy had to take him to be helped to cross the Rainbow bridge.The E.C finally got to much for Thumper coupled with old age.That was the first time Daddy had his heart broken and wouldn't stop crying so 3 day's later mummy made him get ME.
Love and hugs we send to you all on this Special day of Remembrance!xx Speedy and Rachel