Sunday 30 July 2017

Guest Sunday Selfies....Hedgehog Cutie!

This week I decided to have a guest do Sunday Selfies instead of me....Remember our visitor Hedgehog that has been coming to dine out in our garden?Well mummy managed to get some photo's so here they are

Well these were taken Thursday night some slugs decide to tag along for some chow too.But then some thing strange happened on Friday lunch time this cutie decided to come for lunch down the garden path it came and Daddy shouted for mummy to fix it some looks like it has been sleeping in the front garden and then heading down the back for some snacks

Now this is not normal for a hedgehog to be out in the day time so our visitor became a guest of our back garden just like Reggie did because mummy thought there was something wrong.So after its lunch mummy popped it under the shed so it could go back to sleep and at 9.30pm it was a wake wanting dinner so dinner it had and a little wander around the back garden before going to sleep again.Mummy also managed to get a little video at lunch time on Friday too.... click on the link if you have trouble viewing this video.

Anyway mummy kept a look out to see if the hedgehog would wake up looking for food and at 12 noon there it was looking for food so mummy fed it again and then spoke to my uncle Colin and he said it needed looking at so mummy took the hedgehog to the local wild life vet,looks like it has parasites that needs treating so it can gain weight and not starve.So it will either go to uncle Colin's for a couple of weeks before being released back in our garden if it needs further treatments or it will come back straight to us again to be released in to our care.So this little cutie needs some POTP from you all.We don't know if its a boy or a girl but it is a juvenile and it came to the right place in its hour of need!

Friday 28 July 2017

Do you want to see the Hedgehog Visitor?

Well finally Mummy was able to get a photo of a Hedgehog!Last night at around 9.30pm Mummy went down to the kitchen to do my bedtime salad and she looked out the window and thought she saw something near the bowls for the hedgehog.It was still fairly light but not light enough to get photo's with out the flash.The photos aren't great as these were done on her phone and she didn't want to disturb the little fellow who was chowing down....
she got a little closer...
We have a few more on the other camera but we want to save those for Sunday selfies.....Yes this little fellow is going to be our Guest star for Sunday selfies!

Thursday 27 July 2017

We have a new visitor to our Garden....

Remember when we had Reggie the Hedgehog staying with us over the winter and Spring?And remember while mummy was away on her holidays uncle Colin the sitter was coming up to feed Reggie and then Reggie went off to pastures new and to look for the ladies a couple of days before mummy came home?

Well for the past few days a Hedgehog has been visiting our garden ,mummy and daddy have found its poops on the patio and under our carport up the side of our house so mummy has been leaving hedgehog biscuits/Kibble and meal worms and plenty of water on the patio under our garden furniture.

We don't know if its Reggie or if its a new hedgehog or if this visitor is nesting under the shed where Reggie was staying but mum did put fresh bedding under the shed just in case Reggie came back.So we are hoping this new Visitor will decide to make its home with us!Any way we will keep you up dated on this new visitor!
This is what a wild European Hedgehog looks like,as they are nocturnal its difficult to get photos so we borrowed this one from the interwebs.

Sunday 23 July 2017

Sunday Selfies and a guest star too!

We have me today doing my selfies but we also have a little guest as well......

We bumped into this little foal on our outing yesterday but he or she was a little shy....but what a cutie!

Well I wasn't much in the mood for Selfies just a little clean up and then I just wanted to keep an eye out on the weather cause it kept raining.Even though the sun was out you can see the black clouds rolling in to chuck some wet stuff on us!

Friday 21 July 2017

Pet Travel tips for Holidays/Vacations!

Travelling with a Bunny or a pet is not an easy thing to do,but with careful planing your trip can go so much more smoothly,The first thing you need to do is make a list of everything you need to take for your pets.
This is my mummy's list for me:
Play pen
Blankets and a sheet and clothes pegs
Litter tray and litter material
Big bag of hay
My pellet food
Salad greens
Food and water bowls
My Harness and leash
Pet Carrier
Stuff for Day trips:Beach Tent,Parasol,Windbreak
And she checks to see if she needs a fan in summer
Bunny First Aid kit
Telephone no. of the nearest Bunny vet at your destination.
Travel Insurance for your pet if needed.

Find the perfect pet friendly accommodation for you and your pet to stay in.Mummy normally takes us to stay in Holiday park Caravans as there is plenty of room and a kitchen for preparing my salads.She usually uses where you can book pet friendly caravans,lodges,boats or even cottages or .
She is also planing a camping trip when she has all the necessary stuff cause she says she doesn't rough it when she camps she calls it Glamping because she wants us all to be comfy with all the mod cons too!But with a good Search online there are plenty of pet friendly campsite, holiday parks, and hotels to suit all budgets and facility requirements.

You then need to plan and check the length of your journey.Take your time there's no rush to get where you are going when you have pets.Plan in lots of break stops for your pet so that they can have a drink,food and go to the toilet.Mummy only takes me on car journeys and she plans in pit stops as she calls them for around every hour to an hour and a half as she knows I get fidgety after that length of time.....Plus Mummy likes to drink lots of water her self so that means she needs to stop for her self too.For those of you who are travelling abroad,you need to check you have the right type of carrier for a plane or your pets has comfortable place in your car for ferry journeys
If your travelling abroad from the UK you will need to have a pet passport so make sure you have that in place and check any restrictions.Bunnies don't need a pet passport when travelling to the EU.Also Pets can't fly in to the UK in the cabin its not permitted but it is possible to fly to Paris and then travel across the channel.
For all you need to know on Pet Passports Click Here
Here are some other useful information links on travelling with your pets from or in other countries:

Finally when you get to your destination you need to set up their sleeping arrangements so tat they can settle in stress free while you unpack your cases.With all that done both you and your Bunny or pets can enjoy your holidays together and share some great memories!

This is only a few tips but with research and planing you can travel safely to suit the needs of you and your pets!So with the Summer Holidays here for most of us We wish you all safe but happy travels!

Sunday 16 July 2017

Sunday Selfie's

Gosh it's been another busy week here which means lacking in the pasting department.....Sorry but I hope this makes up for it...

As you can see I did manage to get to the beach this week for the day!

Sunday 9 July 2017

Sunday Selfies and a Birthday wish!

Yep its Sunday so its time for Sunday Selfies with The Cat on my Head....
This is from today this was from in the week after mummy finished cuddling me in bed and had to get ready for work.....this was my attempt at trying to keep her home....she was tempted but it didn't work!

Better luck next time eh?Have a pawsome Sunday my friends and please hop on over to my pal Siddhartha's his 3rd Birthday today!

Tuesday 4 July 2017

ASPCA Summer Safety Giveaway....Speedy Picks the winner Youtube link

So Finally I picked my winner after a zillion tries by mummy to get me to pick!

                                            OF THE OP PACK!

And yes Mummy gave me a treat afterwards.....Hehehehe!

Now to my American Friends I just want to wish you all Happy Independence Day!

Sunday 2 July 2017

Sunday Selfies

Hehehe I have been naughty this week,mummy said I had to pick my winner for the ASPCA give away and I wouldn't.Mummy tried to get me to do it several times but to no avail so I have to do it later today....we will see...hehehehe....

But for now its time for Sunday Selfies with The Cat on My Head.....

from my only adventure this week as its been raining again for like a zillion days!