Sunday 30 July 2017

Guest Sunday Selfies....Hedgehog Cutie!

This week I decided to have a guest do Sunday Selfies instead of me....Remember our visitor Hedgehog that has been coming to dine out in our garden?Well mummy managed to get some photo's so here they are

Well these were taken Thursday night some slugs decide to tag along for some chow too.But then some thing strange happened on Friday lunch time this cutie decided to come for lunch down the garden path it came and Daddy shouted for mummy to fix it some looks like it has been sleeping in the front garden and then heading down the back for some snacks

Now this is not normal for a hedgehog to be out in the day time so our visitor became a guest of our back garden just like Reggie did because mummy thought there was something wrong.So after its lunch mummy popped it under the shed so it could go back to sleep and at 9.30pm it was a wake wanting dinner so dinner it had and a little wander around the back garden before going to sleep again.Mummy also managed to get a little video at lunch time on Friday too.... click on the link if you have trouble viewing this video.

Anyway mummy kept a look out to see if the hedgehog would wake up looking for food and at 12 noon there it was looking for food so mummy fed it again and then spoke to my uncle Colin and he said it needed looking at so mummy took the hedgehog to the local wild life vet,looks like it has parasites that needs treating so it can gain weight and not starve.So it will either go to uncle Colin's for a couple of weeks before being released back in our garden if it needs further treatments or it will come back straight to us again to be released in to our care.So this little cutie needs some POTP from you all.We don't know if its a boy or a girl but it is a juvenile and it came to the right place in its hour of need!


  1. He's cute for a hedgehog but bunnies are cuter!

  2. Oh, how cute! Well, you both are cute! Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed this post! Hugs.

  3. I'm so glad you knew what to do about your little hedgehog friend, and are making sure he or she gets good care.

  4. Speedy it is So exciting to see the pictures of the little hedgehog! I am so glad he came to you and you got him checked out.

    We love seeing your friend during the day, although we confess that a daytime pig would cause us considerable disquiet as well. What a relief they can be sorted out and then allowed the luxury of your lovely garden.

    Happy Sunday Speedy

  5. The hedgehog friend is cute! Maybe u can name him flower since he likes the garden so much.

  6. It was definitely meant to be, that he came to your garden, and that you got her/him to a specialist. Paws crossed and prayers for a quick recovery.

  7. Oh Speedy boy, you, mum and dad are great welcomers to all who need shelter and food. It's a TREAT for me to see this little fellow, for I've never, ever seen a hedgehog here! So much love being cultivated in your own garden!

  8. Oh Speedy, he will indeed have POTP! What a darling. My mom has only seen a hedgehog once in her life. They are darling. Thank you to your mummy for caring for him.

  9. Purrs for that little cutie and we hope it will be okay and back in your garden soon.

  10. What a cute visitor, Speedy! We're so grateful you and your family were able to help it out, and had it looked at by a wildlife rescuer. Purring that it will be a-okay after its treatments. Hugs!

  11. You took it to a vet and still don't know if it's a male or female?

  12. Looks like Hedgehog Cutie is dining quite well!

  13. Great photos. I am glad your folks helped him ( or her). :)

  14. Poor Reggie 2 beein icky sicky with parrysitess!! EEEWWW! mee sends dubull POTP to him Speedy an Aunty Rachel....wee want yur hedgeyhog all better ASAP!
    Mee did mee Sunday bloggie so if yur around pleeze linky mee uppy ok??? Many fankss.....
    ***nose rubsss*** Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=

  15. Glad y'all were able to help it!

  16. Poor little hedgehog! But how lucky that he (or she) came to your garden. Hope he's feeling better soon! :)

  17. Your Mom and your Uncle Colin are so very good to take such good care of Hedgehog Cutie. We hope he/she will be OK.

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  18. We are so happy that you are getting help for this little guy/girl! We've never seen a hedgehog in action before, just photos. Keep us posted on how s/he does. Thanks for sharing your friend on the hop, Speedy. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

  19. Aww he's cute. Thanks for caring for him.
    Sue B

  20. We are sending lots of POTP to this cute little guy and hope he feels better soon!
    Jakey & Arty

  21. this little guy has sure made himself at home! You are such a sweetheart the way you are taking care of him. He sure knew the right home to visit! xoxo catchatwithcarenandcody

  22. Paws crossed that hedgie#2 is feeling better soon and goes back to sleeping during the daytime.

  23. Oh, what a cutie! I will keep my paws crossed real tight that hedgie#2 gets well real quick, so it can head out in the garden and take care of your garden!
    Ruby ♥

  24. Healing Pawkisses are on the way. Please feel better soon, Reggie <3 <3 <3

  25. hello speedy its dennis the vizsla dog hay yore hedjhogs seem a lot kyooter and mor docile and less like ninjas then the ninja hedjhogs wot playgue me frum time to time!!! the sickly wun is lukky that he ended up in yore yard i hope he feels better soon!!! ok bye


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