Saturday 5 August 2017

Adventure Bunny Speedy a Movie day!

Wow Saturday is finally here...sure was a long time coming wasn't it?Well is been a while and I thought its Saturday so we have to have some movies!These are from some recent adventures I have had with mummy....

Click here for direct Youtube link

Well that's all for today....hopefully mummy will be able to load more videos as Youtube is being glitchy so new videos are slow to appear when she loads them.Have A Great Weekend Everybody!


  1. Hi, Speedy!
    You're such a kind bunny, taking your hoomin Mummy for a nice walk!
    You chose a very nice location!
    No wonder your hoomin Mummy loves you so much!
    We love you, Speedy!
    ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🐰 ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

  2. SPEEEEEEEEEEDY! What a fairytale-esque place mummy has taken you to! Lots of sweet grasses, cool breezes off the river; one would say, "Wind in the Willows" - with you as a new character. All we need to see is Toad coming down the road in his motor car, and to see Ratty rowing his river boat to shore. I want Ruben to take me to your England one day soon so I can see your part of the world and maybe even knock on your bunny door.....

    Have a good weekend my friends!

  3. How nice to see you out and about, Speedy!

  4. What a nice walk ! It looks like you had a lot of fun ! Purrs

  5. Well done, buddy! I wish the horses came to see you, but I guess they were too busy standing around doing nothing. I love how you hop through all the grasses to decide exactly which ones to eat!

    Love and licks,

  6. That was a whole bunch of fun Speedy!

  7. Speedy it looks like a picture book where you live! Loved the sound of the water and it sure was a windy day! Those horses were so pretty too!! Thank you for sharing! xoxo catchatwithcarenandcody


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