Sunday 30 October 2016

Sunday Selfies

It's sunday so we are joining The Cat on My Head in their Sunday Selfies Blog Hop...
Time to take it easy again I think......before my next Halloween adventure!

And this week I got my Special Pumpkin from Nellie over at Nellie on the Edge......
Isn't it Fabulous?Just like she is....

Tomorrow is Halloween so We have a special feature tomorrow instead of Disapproving Bun Day!

Thursday 27 October 2016

Speedy's Movie Day

Hi everyone its Movie Day!Today we have smuggler's cove and me playing in sand dunes,so sit back and enjoy the show!

I hope you all enjoyed my movies today, until next time!

Wednesday 26 October 2016

A guest for the day!

This morning Mummy and Daddy rescued a young hedgehog,Mummy was on her way to work when she spotted a young Hedgehog on the side of the road and by the time they stopped and turned around it was in the middle of the road where it would have gotten run over.Mummy new it was too small so they scooped it up and popped it in the boot of the car and then Mummy had to go to work.
Daddy brought it home and popped it in a box with some hay and some cat biscuits and then left it to sleep all day in the shed.I don't know if you can see it,it's against the bottom edge of the box kinda in the middle....

I decided it investigate to see if it had seen my old friend Hedgehog Lucky Hogwarts but it was already sleeping.Anyway this little fellow is now at my Uncle Colin's house he's my sitter when mummy goes on holiday but he also looks after Hedgehogs till they are ready to be released.And he said that this fellow was underweight and wouldn't have survived the winter and that it was hungry as it ate all the biscuits that daddy left in the will stay with Uncle Colin for the winter now.So Mummy and daddy did the right thing in saving this fellow.It was very exciting having it as a tempory guest.Mummy always keeps some cat bisciuts for little emergancies like this so now we are on Hedgehog alert just incase she see's more little ones that need taking in for the winter.

Monday 24 October 2016

Disapproving Bun Day!

Yep it Monday so it's time for Disapproving Bun Day!Today's Star is Mr Beans,he has his own facebook page called Mr Beans and Friends so please hop on over to see him and his pals,We were given permission to use any photos for this feature from his mummy so we picked this one......
                    "I love my Yucca toy but there's no treats!Back to the Tar Pits for you!"

Thanks Kaitlen for letting us use on of Mr Beans Photos!

We are always Needing photo's of Disapproving Bunnies so send them in to me at [email protected]

And for more Disapproving Bunnies hop on over to Disapproving Bun!

Sunday 23 October 2016

Sunday Selfies

I'm joining the Cat on My Head for Sunday Selfies....
I'm Having a Tasty Snack!

Thursday 20 October 2016

Speedy's Movie Day!

Hi everybody and welcome to another Movie Day!Well I did manage some more Beach adventures would you believe it?which is lucky for me and lucky for you too ,so here is some from my latest adventures.....

Well I hope you enjoyed the show....until next time!

Wednesday 19 October 2016

Impromptu post.....I got mail!

Yes that's right I got Mail!.......
All the way from the land of Oz ,from my Aunty Sharon.....
Its a Snowdome....a pop up snowglobe of the Australian outback and its a Christmas Decoration So we will find a special place for it at Christmas! Thank you ever so much Aunty Sharon we both love it !

Monday 17 October 2016

Disapproving Bun Day!

Today's First Star for the new Disapproving Bun Day is Buttercup....perfect for the start of the new week....
           "You know what Day it is don't you?Its off to the Tar Pits day!"

Thanks to Buttercups dad Sean for sending this one in

We are always needing photo's of your Disapproving Bunnies so send them in to me at [email protected]

and for more disapproving bunnies hop on over to Disapproving Bun!

Sunday 16 October 2016

Sunday Selfies

I'm Joining in the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop with the Cat on My Head
Mummy took this one, while I was having a snooze on the beach.....perfect for a Sunday Easy!

Thursday 13 October 2016

A Bit of an apology from us and some changes

First we have to Apologise for being sporadic with blogging and visiting you all lately Things have been a bit hectic at the house of Speedy what with family and life stuff and trying to get Speedy out as much as we can before the weather turns horrid ,and horrible for us is rain for weeks on end or even months at a time.Last winter it pretty much rained every day for us and that meant being stuck in doors all the time.
And as you can see Speedy it already disapproving at the thought of that prospect so we are changing the days we post except for when we do something Special like the Christmas Count down cause that is done every day from the 1st of December till Christmas day.So from Monday Disapproving Bun Day will be on a Monday...I mean we all disapprove of Mondays so what better day to move to?Speedy's Movie day will be on most Thursdays...I say most Thursdays because if we manage to get out and make some extra movies we may leave it till the Friday, and of course we will still be doing Sunday Selfies on Sunday's.

I'm hoping that doing things this way will allow me to get ahead with writing the posts and be able to keep up with everything else at home and online, and may be do some fun impromptu posting too from time to time!After all this is all about fun for you and for myself and Speedy.
                                                Thank you all for Sticking with us
                                                           Mum Rachel

Sunday 9 October 2016

Sunday Selfies

So last monday was my birthday and mummy took me on a special road trip to celebrate.we had a fab time on our Vacation but now we are back so we are Joining in With The Cat on My Head's Sunday Selfies Blog Hop.......
 now for some of our trip...

We had fun exploring Hampshire and Dorset...

Monday 3 October 2016

Happy 5th Birthday to Speedy!

5 years ago today a Himalayan Rex called Speedy was Born!Destined to be a pirate and adventure bunny that you all know and love!So join me in wishing Speedy a very Happy 5th Birthday!
                                                   "Happy Birthday SPEEDY!"

Saturday 1 October 2016

Weekend Movie Day with Beach Bunny Speedy!

Summer is over and so are my Beach adventures nearly over but we're not ready for that yet are we?So welcome to my Beach Bunny Movie day Party!First we have some Cocktails...
then we have some snacks.....

So tuck in my puppy,kitty pals and my Bunny pals there are snacks to suit you all!Its time for a bit of music.....

And now its time for some movies...

 and now let's finish up with a bit more Music....

Here is to the end of summer but let hope we can get a few more beach adventures in before the weather changes to winter.....

We're adding this to Sunday selfies with the Cat on My Head