Wednesday 26 October 2016

A guest for the day!

This morning Mummy and Daddy rescued a young hedgehog,Mummy was on her way to work when she spotted a young Hedgehog on the side of the road and by the time they stopped and turned around it was in the middle of the road where it would have gotten run over.Mummy new it was too small so they scooped it up and popped it in the boot of the car and then Mummy had to go to work.
Daddy brought it home and popped it in a box with some hay and some cat biscuits and then left it to sleep all day in the shed.I don't know if you can see it,it's against the bottom edge of the box kinda in the middle....

I decided it investigate to see if it had seen my old friend Hedgehog Lucky Hogwarts but it was already sleeping.Anyway this little fellow is now at my Uncle Colin's house he's my sitter when mummy goes on holiday but he also looks after Hedgehogs till they are ready to be released.And he said that this fellow was underweight and wouldn't have survived the winter and that it was hungry as it ate all the biscuits that daddy left in the will stay with Uncle Colin for the winter now.So Mummy and daddy did the right thing in saving this fellow.It was very exciting having it as a tempory guest.Mummy always keeps some cat bisciuts for little emergancies like this so now we are on Hedgehog alert just incase she see's more little ones that need taking in for the winter.


  1. I'm glad your Mom was able to save the hedgehog. :)

  2. What a nice Mommy you have!

  3. Huurah fur Aunty Rachel an Mistur Colin!!!
    Savin a Hedgehog iss a wunderfull fing to do!!!!
    ***Hi-5'sss*** Siddhartha henry an (((hugs))) LadyMum

  4. Oh Speedy boy, you have a new foster brother!!!!!! Give mum a big hug from me for being such a sweet soul to the creatures! We don't have hedgehogs here, at least not where I live. What a find! Be careful, don't stick you nose too close; those spikes looks a bit sharp!!!

  5. Yay fur saving the little hedgehog!
    Your Furend
    Louis Dog Armstrong

  6. Oh, we LOVE this story. Thank you for rescuing that little one!

  7. Paws up to your Mummy! We're so glad this little guy was saved.

  8. BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO to your Mum and Dad Both... and to your uncle who will CONTINUE to protect the poor little thing.

  9. Sweet rescue, S. I hope the hedgehog does well this winter and is ready to run and play by spring. Your mom is like a rescue angel. My mom probably would've run the little guy over by accident.

    Love and licks,

  10. I'm so glad your humans rescued the little guy! I hope he is ready to go back out again soon.

  11. Good for you guys. We would have done the same.

  12. Poor little guy. We're so glad he's going to be okay!

  13. We are so glad that your Mummy found it.
    We really hope that he will survive throug the winter. It’s real hard when they are underweight.

  14. So wonderful for our new Baby HedgeHog! Such a beautiful thing that God sent you to help him at just the right moment! You both have amazing souls. The Light of Christ shines thru you in Nature.

  15. Your Mommy and Daddy and Uncle are HEROS!! So wonderful that your uncle knows how to takes care of hedgehogs! Wes never heard of that before and is totally impressed!

  16. It was nice of your family to look after the little hedgie. Hopefully he grows up to be a big, happy hedgehog.

  17. Paws up for your mom, dad, and uncle ! It's nice of them to take care of that little guy. Purrs


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