Sunday 30 September 2018

Sunday Selfies....Oh What a week!

Hi everyone I have had the best week this week,Mummy was home all week and that meant fun in the garden at times,going on adventures with Mummy,lots of cuddles and yes being left behind as mummy had a couple of adventures that I couldn't go on.So let's start with my adventures first up my usual spot by the river on the moors....

Then to my favourite woods ,I haven't been here for ages!
And yes I had a little snooze too!

Mummy went to Compton Castle.....

and she went to Tinagel where she visited The Old Post Office again and the Castle and the 1400 year old Church
Now for Me time and some Snapshots of me!

me by the river....

And of course we have to have one of me and mummy!

Sunday 23 September 2018

Selfies and Winners!

Good Morning Everyone!It's Sunday again so it's time for my Selfie and then on to the job of announcing the winners of my Best Dressed Pirate Competition.But first it's Selfie time!

Well not strictly selfies but they are from my last walk I had which seemed like ages ago cause we have had lots of wet and windy weather.....on that front the wind and the rain will be clearing out this afternoon just in time for Monday which is great cause mummy is home all of next week so the means extra long cuddles and lots of fun outings because the weather is going to good....nice sunny but Autumnal days YAY!!!!
 Now earlier in my post and on the title of this post I said Winners!Yes it's time to Announce my Winners because it was a fierce Battle for all of you who entered my Best Dressed Pirate Competition ,But what do we expect from a bunch of Pirates?Of course it would be a fierce Battle since all the entries got votes but it came down to the wire Between 2 Fierce Pirates No: 5 Cap'n Hermann Wool Sock and No: 13 The Lone Star Crew and in the end they Ended up with an Equal number of votes So we Have 2 Winners.....

My Bun Buddy Cap'n Hermann Wool Sock!

And the Those Crazy Kitties The Lone Star Cats Cap'n Travis the Terribull,One-Eyed Crockett Orange Beard and Anchors Aweigh Angelique....

 Well done to you all!It was a fun party and a fierce battle....but Somebunny or Somekitty had to win it!Mummy will be in touch with the winners for addresses so that we can send my treasure to you both!

Friday 21 September 2018

Time To Vote For Ye Best Dressed Pirate!

Arrrrgh Tis Be Ye Cap'n Speedy of Thee SS Speedy!I here by Order Ye To Vote For Ye Best Dressed Pirate....Thee Winner Will Win a share Of me Treasure....Arrrghh Surely I be thee Best Cap'n of them all!
Ok Mummy had problems with getting a poll to work so we are Going back the the old fashioned way which is for you to say who is your Best Dressed Pirate in the comments below by quoting the Number allocated to each pirate you can also vote on my new Voting Facebook Event by liking the Entry. Voting will close on Saturday at Midnight and the winner will be Announced on my Sunday Selfies Post this Sunday!

1.Cap'n Prancie
2:Cap'n Clyde
3:Aunty Di's Pirate Boy
4:Cap'n Hook Paw Fin

5:Cap'n Hermann Wool Sock
6:Pirates Lucky and Mandi

7:Nellie's Crew Cap'n Marvelous and Ninja
8:Thee Overlook Twins
9:Cap'n Cathy Keisha
10:Cap'n Valentine and Princess Erin
11:Cap'n Terrible Ted
12:Cap'n Sam
13:The Lone Star Crew Cap'n Travis the Terribull,One Eyed Crocket Orange Beard,and Anchors Aweigh Angelique

14:The Westie Crew Cap'n Kinley,Furst Mate Finley the Fierce,and Barnacle Brinley

15:Cap'n Dante
16:Pirates Pierrot and Mermannie
Don't Forget you have until midnight on Saturday to vote and you can vote on my Face Book Event here by like the entry!

                                   GOOD LUCK TO MY PIRATES!