Wednesday 19 September 2018

Arrgh Me Heartys Tis time to Party ,Tis Talk like a Pirate Day!

From Zoolarty
Arrgh Me Heartys Tis Time to Party,Tis Talk like a Pirate day!Tis also the anniversary for when I became a real Pirate too!Do ye Like me Companion?Tis Kismet of Kyla Scot blog.....Every Pirate Captain needs a Parrot sidekick!

Thee Competition will run until 20th Sept on me Facebook Event and here on me Blog so all entries will be post here on this 'ere pst and on me Facebook event. On thee 21st there be a new Voting post here and event on a Facebook event to decides who wins me treasure!

Now for some Pirate music...

Now tis time thee grog to quench ye thirst and to partake in thee grub to satify thee hunger in ye bellies!

For thee Meaties out there!

                                  And for The Veggies...

Now Tis Time to Introduce to ye all thee pirates,Seadogs,Scallywag Kitties and Scoundrels and wenches at me party!

                Tis Cap'n Prancie.....
                  Tis Cap'n Clyde......
             Tis me Aunty Di's Pirate boy.....
                Tis Cap'n Hook Paw Finn......

Tis Cap'n Hermann Wool Sock.....

Tis the Pirates Lucky and Mandi......
       Tis Nellies Crew Cap'n Marvelous and Ninja.....
              Tis thee Overlook Twins.......
                Tis Cap'n Cathy Keisha.......
              Tis Cap'n Valentin and his Princess Erin......

                Tis Cap'n Terrible Ted.....
                  Tis Cap'n Sam.....

Tis Cap'n Travis the Terribull,One-Eyed Crockett Orange Beard and Anchors Aweigh Angelique.......

Tis Cap'n Kinley,Furst Mate Finley da Fierce ,and Barnacle Brinley......

                               Tis Cap'n Dante.....
           Tis Pirate Pierrot and Mermannie......


  1. You always have the best pirate party. Look at all the great looking pirates.
    Sue B

  2. Captain Speedy, ye have outdone yerself with this paw-ty and ye be a fine host! It looks like everything is top notch! Me tummy will be nice an' plump with cheeses, meats, and melons that be certain before me heads back to the sea! Me thinks me needs another one of those there sword kabobs! Cheers to ye an' CONCATS to it being yer anniversary an' all! -Captain Valentino (Valentine & Mom of Noir Kitty Mews)

  3. speedy...dood...yur pie ratz day partee iz total lee awesum N de grubz amazin with a cap a tull Z !!!

    and we wwod like ta say

    ahoy mateyz....blimey ye all look feerce....heerz ta grog a plentee in the black jacks two day ~~~~ ♥♥♥

    de best oh fishez ta everee one in de contest !!!☺☺☺

  4. Ahoy Mateys! What a group fine lookin' Pirates!
    Me crew and me is off to find our buried treasure!

    Meet ya at da Inn for some Grog later?
    Captain Aaaaarrrrgggty and his mates Queen Rosy da Rebel and One Eared Jakey

  5. Silly mom forgot to send you us pirates:(.

    Happy Pirates Day.

    Woos - Cap’n Lightning, First Mate Lass Misty, and Powder Monkey Timber

  6. Those were all terrific and ye be rockin' the pirate pawty Speedy!

  7. What a great party Speedy!!! Everyone looks wonderful in costume & Kismet you are rocking the pirate look totally!!
    Have fun everyone!
    {{{hugs}}} Aunty Sherri-Ellen

  8. Ahoy, Speedy! What a fine pirate party this is! You make a fine pirate!

    We submitted our picture on your FB event.

  9. We are their in spirit - show story a flight cancellation and then a mechanical issue put Lady off her game. Perhaps a ship would have been a better way to travel!

  10. You win, Speedy. You have a real parrot.

  11. Look at all the fine pirates at your party, Speedy! Happy Pirate Day!

  12. I'm exhausted - how you pirates do party!!!

  13. Oh Captain my Captain! The party has begun and like Rabbit's Guy up above me here, I'm exhausted! Pirates can party like no other, especially animal pirates!

  14. What a scurvy group of scallywags we all are! Who knew there were so many FIERCE pirates out on the seven seas! Thanks for having such a wonderful party for your pirate buddies dear Speedy.

    Hugs, Terrible Ted the Pirate

  15. What a lot of fun and delish vittles! Arrrr! Crockett slays me with that one eye winking! Arrrr! I have a real parrot too up in me crow's nest.


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