Tuesday 22 October 2024

Things to do

 Hello Blogville it's your one and only Gossip bunny with all her latest ponderings....Well as you can see it 3 weeks (sort of) in a row for posting blogs. Now that's impressive considering Mummy wasn't feeling it for a long time and without Mummy's help then I'm not feeling it either. The plan is to stick to one a week for now and spending a little bit of time visit some of you guys as and when we can. I hope you noticed that we have been stopping by sometimes. Mummy said to me that she has been enjoying it and helping me with it without the pressure of keeping to a strict schedule....well I'm happy with that so its all good.

Mummy also said the when angel Speedy (AKA Speedy the Cheeky House Bunny for those who don't know or remember) she also used to make a few Christmas Cards so she has got a few bits and pieces in to take that hobby up again...not huge amounts but just enough for a few cards. She did say she would share them on here for you guys to see.

Also Mummy said it was time for her to make the Christmas cake so that will be a job for next week, she has everything to do it but she would rather do it on a really rubbish day so probably monday. And yes the end product will be share with you all here too!

This year Mummy won't be going to any National trust properties to see their Christmas Displays as Last year she only went to 2 that were really close and a couple of places on last year's holiday. She cancelled her membership because she hasn't been to any at all this year so she didn't see the point of paying for something she's not using. But she did say she would try to get to some garden centres instead so that will be fun cause I can get to go too. Anyway that's all from me except this...

Cause I know that you all want to see me!

                                                      xoxo Little Miss Titch

Thursday 17 October 2024

Seasonal Ponderings of a Gossip Bunny

 Hello Blogville its your one and only Gossip Bunny with all my latest Seasonal Ponderings...Have you noticed that more and more humans are decorating their homes for the seasons some are decorating for Autumn and Halloween but more and more are decorating for Christmas and the upcoming Holiday Season. Even my own mum is itching to start with decorating for Christmas but so far she is just sticking to the prep of deep cleaning and storing away the nicknacks and stuff that is in the way of where she wants to display it all plus she said there are a few things she wants to order to spruce up the garland for the stairs and she wants to refurbish one of the Christmas trees possibly both so she is waiting for that to arrive before she starts the Christmas Decorations. This year she wants a bit of snow on the trees as the likelihood of having a real white Christmas is slim to none in our neck of the woods, she decided to make her own white Christmas in doors....

Really this is what we both want but in reality we will end up with wet and windy or if we are lucky cold and frosty...cold and frosty is ok but wet and windy is not ok....

Any way going back to Humans putting Christmas up early is it because there is so much horrible stuff going on in the world that they want to create a happy haven free of all the woes of the world? It seems like it to me.

Going off on a tangent Baby stayed most of the afternoon with us yesterday it was wet and miserable so mummy kept going outside with Baby to give a bit of company and she made sure to stand in front of the  side window so Baby could see her and talk to her

And Jo-Jo stopped by for a quick snack when the rain eased off for a bit too!

                                 xoxo Little Miss Titch

Monday 7 October 2024

Holiday Ponderings with Little Miss Titch

 Hello Blogville it's your one and only Gossip Bunny with all her latest ponderings on life...

The Holiday Season is fast approaching with Halloween, Diwali, Bonfire Night here in the UK, Thanksgiving both in Canada and the US, Hanukkah, and of course St Nicholas day and Christmas... and Already I am in the mood for some Christmas and Holiday Cheer after all our summer well quite frankly it was mainly wet...nothing cheerful about that! So my main wish for winter this year is some snow and lots of sunshine...cold and dry and certainly NO RAIN!!!! So bored with rain...

This is what I'm Talking about, maybe a little bit more snow than this but not to much we still want to be able to get out and about.... Hey Angel Speedy I hope you have the big guy upstairs ear on this tell him this is what I want....

You know what I'm talking about, Will ya tell the big man upstairs for me? Angel Speedy...Pretty Please? Thanks Angel Speedy Mummy and me love ya!

                                     xoxo Little Miss Titch

Saturday 28 September 2024

International Rabbit Day

 Hello Blogville It your one and only Gossip Bunny with all the latest news from my neck of the woods. I know its been a few months since I last posted and we have had some ups and sadly we have had some downs too but first I am happy to say that today is International Rabbit Day!

Aunty Ann from Zoolatry made this for me to Celebrate my happy day so I would share with your what I have been upto. We had a nice spring so I got out for some adventures like going to see the bluebells

Then Little Louie came back after getting in trouble again....

He ended up going to rescue because we suspected Fluke and while he was there we had a little holiday to Cornwall and went to a nice japanese garden...

And we went to a little park....

and we also went to a beach....

We didn't much really because Daddy could go to far because of his knee but it was nice. Little Louie came home after we got back from holiday but unfortunately after he came home his left eye ruptured and had to be put to sleep. It seems he must have had an infection or abscess behind the eye that no one had any way of knowing about which is why he kept going down hill in the wild. There was nothing that we or anyone else could do so it was decided it was in his best interests to let him cross the Rainbow Bridge....this knocked mummy back quite a bit for a while and she is still very sad about it all.

Then this little fellow a fledgling Jackdaw turned up in the front garden. He was struggling and was very small had a little bit of trouble flying so mum started feeding him up. He would sleep in the garden, and eat and drink everything mum put down even though he was a little scared of mum at first he soon realized that mum was just trying to help him. it turned out that he had hurt his left foot, mummy thinks he must have caught it in something has 2 of his claws were missing and looks like they had been ripped out so possibly cracked the bones a little, as he would start to limp when he was walking around and would spend a lot of time napping in the sun. But after a few weeks he slowly got better.

He loves Mummy, he likes mummy to feed him like a baby bird and he gets very excited to see her each day except for when its windy. When it windy he gets a bit spooky and when it rains he likes to sit on the fence where the carport roof overhangs to shelter.  And he's grown and filled out since mummy has been feeding him. Mummy named him Baby Jackie although he comes to Baby.

Jo-Jo still comes a lot, at least once a day although this week she's coming more as her Human mama is away at the moment so she's craving lots of love which mummy is giving her hence the muddy footprints on mummy's shoulder *giggles*...

And I have had a few walks on the moors recently as I had my health check and vaccination in August and the Vet said I needed to watch my weight...to many treats from Daddy she said....not sure I know what the Vet is on about but my treats have been reduced by a lot which I'm not happy about at all!

Mummy also said I haven't been able to get out much because our summer has been awful so much rain mummy couldn't even cut the grass much...she's only cut it 3 times this year since the spring. She managed to cut it last week as we had a few nice day but she said it would probably be the last time if the weather ends up being like last autumn.... she may get one last quick trim next week if the for cast is right for Wednesday and Thursday but she said we would have to wait and see if its right.

                                         So that's everything for now, until next time 

                                                       xoxo Little Miss Titch