Saturday 4 November 2023


 Hello Blogville its your one and only gossip bunny with all her ponderings on this day. Today is November 4th...known as Blog4Peace. I have to wonder how we furbabies can influence the humans that we share this world with, How we can get them to be more peaceful, to take care of one and other and look after this beautiful world that we are so blessed to live in? I'm lucky that my human parents already do their bit. They look after the wildlife that come to visit us or even live in our garden. They also look after the bit of land that we call home so that it is a haven for all of us if only everyone in this whole world did their bit we would all live in a better place....

Angel Speedy would Blog4Peace every year to spread the word, the movement that is Blog4Peace...he was a wise, yet fun loving gentleman Bunny. I know he would join me and you in our quest to make this world a better place....

Just as I know that Little Louie and Jo-Jo the crow wish that we could all join together and make this world a better place. Just know that all of us here love every single one of you even though we may not always say it.... xoxo Little Miss Titch