Sunday 24 November 2013

Just a little Heads up on a forth coming Event!

Hi Every one!Boy Have I missed all of you my friends while I have been away at Grandma's,But I am Back now so I thought I would Give you a little heads Up!Some of you may remember last year I did a Christmas Count down which started on the 1st December,Well I'm Doing it Again and I shall launch it on on 1st December.There will Be Prize's too,so get your Humans to get their Tree's and decorations up and send in the Photo's to my Mum of you if possible with all your Christmas Tree's and Decorations [email protected],the aim is to try to have at least one entry posted each day with the last ones posted on Christmas day.I need the photo's by 10pm on Christmas Eve U.K time then I will pick three winners....Just like last year!The Winners will get an extra Christmas Present which I will send out after Christmas!
I already have my first entry to start with which I will post on the 1st December,so get Your Humans Busy with the Decorating and photo taking!
I Just Love this time of year!Here's a reminder of last years winners.
Last years 3rd place:MISAKI!

Last years 2nd Place: TWINKLE from Art in the wind!

Last years 1st Place winner ASHEY from Lalis and Nader in Bunderland
"And Mum isn't it time to get ours up?" Say's a cheeky Speedy!
"Next week Speedy...Don't worry we will be ready!"Replies Mum "Oh and I have to bake my Christmas Cake too Speedy"

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Award from Nissy for his Blogoversary.

Sunday My friend Nerissa from Nerissa's Life celebrated his 2nd Blogoversary,and created this new award to celebrate in style.Its called the Mouse's Award.
The rules to this award are:
1. Thank the blogger who gave it to you and link back to them.
2.Display it on your Blog.
3.Use the word Mouse's in a sentance you can use any variation of the word like mousin,mouses,moused up ect.
4.Finally you need to pass it on to 2 or more Bloggers.
 So thank you Nissy mate for this mousetacular award,mouse's now who to pass this on to...what to do what to do....
Hutch a Good Life.
Easy Blog

Please Remember to Rev up the power of Paw for our friend Nylablue and her Mum

And to let you all Know that I am going to grandma's for a couple of weeks so I won't be posting or blogging for a couple of weeks.So I'll see you when I get Back,xxx Speedy

and any one who wants some Christmas cards you can place the orders during that time and they will be posted as soon as mum gets back

Guy Fawkes!

Today Is Guy Fawkes so there are lots of Fire works and bonfire to celebrate,but keep your pets safe and check the bonfires for Hedgehogs who might be sheltering in side.

Please Remember to Rev up the power of Paw for our Friend Nylablue and her mum.

Monday 4 November 2013

This Bunny Blogs 4 Peace!

Today is 4th November....Blog 4 Peace Day! This Bunny Blogs 4 Peace!

And Please Remember to Rev up the Power of Paw for our Friend Nylablue.

Sunday 3 November 2013

The power of paw for Nylablue and some other bits and Bobs

We had an email from Nylablue's mum Sherri-Ellen today saying that they are taking a break from Blogging as Nylablue is having a rough time with another flare up from her bowl disease and that her mum is taking time out to nurse her girl,plus Sherri-Ellen is not to well either and is trying to control her Fibro Flare up too.And wanted to let everyone know about their absence.
So we are asking you all too rev up the Power of Paw for our dear friends to help them through this rough time.

On another Note we wanted to thank Ku from Haiku by Ku for passing on to us the opposite attracts award to us,we already had been given this one but we really wanted to show our thanks to our new pal.

and Our friend Bacon at piglove has just completed 31 days of Spook and has given all his friends this award for surviving his 31 days of Spook,and we are looking forward to is again next year!

Tomorrow is Blog 4 Peace day so don't forget to put you Peace globes up!
And Guy Fawkes night is comming up on the 5th November Please keep your pets safe inside including Bunnies as they can die of fright from the noise of the fire works going off and check your bonfires for Hedgehogs before lighting them up as they like to nest in piles of wood.