Tuesday 5 November 2013

Guy Fawkes!

Today Is Guy Fawkes so there are lots of Fire works and bonfire to celebrate,but keep your pets safe and check the bonfires for Hedgehogs who might be sheltering in side.

Please Remember to Rev up the power of Paw for our Friend Nylablue and her mum.


  1. Get your masks and show support for a better world.

  2. Hey Speedy, just popping in to say hi, I don't know much about Guy Fawkes and I didn't know about the hedgehogs but if I ever have a bonfire I'll bear it in mind!

    1. Thanks CoccoThis time of year people forget the animals,xx Speedy

  3. I am glad we live in the US and do not have this noisy holiday... although we do have Independence Day in July and that is pretty bad too!

  4. Stay safe Speedy. I will be glad when Behind The Sofa Day is over. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. Oh yes, so many loud bangs and whooshing sounds! I shall stay inside UTB! Keep calm and nibble on little buddy!

    Still purring for Nylablue xoxox

  6. Please stay save Speedy and maybe you can wear ear muffs when they start the boom&bang.

  7. Happy Guy Fawkes! And yes, please stir up the pile of leaves before lighting them. :)

  8. CAP'N SPEEDY! OK, I need to do my research; I remember this name, Guy Fawkes, but my history has slipped my mind this morning. I need to look it up to see what it's all about. No doubt this is a very important holiday to warrant fireworks! YES! All creatures, take cover!

    Sending much love to Nylablue and mummy.

    1. Hehehe,Auntie Anita he tried to blow up parliment in the uk!xx Speedy

  9. Have a great celebration and we hope those who are celebrating check for hedgehogs - what a good reminder!

  10. Oh Bonfire night is so awful for pets and wildlife...

  11. I don't know what that is but it sounds fun

  12. Will go visit nylablue now....

  13. Have a wonderful celebration Speedy! We are all purring for dear Nylablue.

  14. We hope you have a fun Guy Fawkes Day, Speedy...though we hear it's very noisy!

  15. Yow Nylablue here....doez firewerkz wuud be purrty n scarey too!!
    We hope ya had a quiet GF nite dere!
    Me iz bettur frum bowle eppysode butt need to go back to Vet fer more medz fer da Pancreatitis tomorrow...phankz fer da Power of da Paw!!
    Lub Nylablue xo

    1. We shall keep it going for you Sweetie,xx Speedy

  16. Thankfully, no fireworks where I am. Hope you had a great day!

  17. Oh man I'm so stupid, and ignorant. I never heard of Guy Fawkes Night. I feel so ashamed. :( I will have to look it up on wiki. I hope you guys stayed safe, and had lots of fun!! <3


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