Wednesday 12 August 2015

Disapproving Bun Day!

Yeah its Disapproving Bun Day again!Here is this weeks stars and they from Four Wind Farm sent in by Sherri,these are Chinchilla Rabbits and they are the only endangered species of rabbit in the US of which she does breed them to help conserve the species.Thanks Sherri for sending this in.

Arent they gorgeous?and strong with the Disapproval force!

Don't forget we always need photo's of Disapproving Bunnies so send them into [email protected] , and if any of you want to dress up as a Disapproving Bun we will add you to the post too!

Don't forget for more bunny disapproval hop on over to Disapproving Bun!


  1. Rotters - food first and photos afterwards, if you're lucky :D

  2. that flashy beast never stops
    Lily & Edward

  3. Food bringer ...bahwhahahahahaha. That's adorable and funny and made me laugh out loud.

  4. That is a very disapproving bunny. Hailey makes a similar face when I take too long to get her dinner!

  5. speedy....dood....thiz bun haz de lazer eye oh diz a provin.... ta rival uz cats !!!! awesum !!

  6. Hey Speedy!
    Mes was in a pet store on Tuesday and they has a Store Bunny! He runned out and greeted the guests and he likes Peoples and dogs and cats! His name was Mr Jiggs!
    Mommy tooked a picture, but it did not turn out...

  7. Nanners, hoomin, I hope you got nanners.

  8. OH MY GOODNESS...I love chinchilla bunnies! But I did not know they were endangered??? These little babies are indeed a force to be reckoned with ! LOOK OUT! I used to love to watch our wild rabbits here go into these tubes....they would play in there! LOVE

  9. that's a super teleport-tunnel , I bet this two cuties can travel to the bestest carrot fields that way :o)

  10. Food-bringer.... be nice little rabbits...
    Nat à Chat

  11. They are so adorable - just like you my sweet friend. XOXO - Bacon

  12. Fun in a tube! yay! hahahaha!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  13. sooooo sweet! <3

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