Thursday 20 August 2015

Speedy's Movie Day!

Welcome to another movie day and as promised here are the last of the beach videos from when we had great weather.Not like the weather we have today we have what we call pea soup weather ....wet and foggy yuk!So lets all get comfy with some tasty snack and enjoy the show!

Lets hope the weather improves soon so I can get out on some more adventures!


  1. I feel for you Speedy. You shouldn't be on that sand. How can you eat sand? It's better to go to the mountains where you have your choice of greenery.

  2. Did hopping around on the sand feel strange?

  3. Oh beach bunny Speedy! What a beautiful day sur la too. Today it is spectacular as opposed to three days of all rain. How lovely to know the sun is always there, and it's just the clouds that come in and out. I LOVE your feet. teeheheee...what pretty gray toes you have. You are a tidy bunny, cleaning your feet as you go. BIG HUGS

  4. You are one happy beach Bunny Speedy!

  5. dood...thanx for sharin yur beach holly day !!! we gived yur mewvies 984 paws UP !!!! we bet de sand waz toasty warm two huh !!! ♥♥♥ two bad mum did knot let ya look for like cash & stuff ☺☺

  6. Speedy Dearest!
    Yous MY kind of beach Bunny!
    The first thing mes does when mes goes to the beach is dig a while and do my business, Sand is so much nicer than litter!

    1. Hey Speedy, mes has a dream mes was bubbles! And mes floated to visits yous! Mes posted about it on my Caterday Art!

  7. It must feel strange to hop around on sand. I'm in sand all the time (my litter box), but I don't walk around much on it.

    It looks like you have a bandage on your back leg, but I don't remember reading about that. I hope you're ok now.

  8. Beach Bunny, hmmm sound like an orchestra LOL.


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