Tuesday 25 August 2015

10 years after Katrina are you ready for such a disaster?

With the Anniversary of Hurricane Katrina we were asked to help raise awareness of being ready to keep your pets safe in the face of such disaster by ASPCA.It's hard to believe that it has been 10 years since Katrina hit the shores of the US.I hadn't even been born then but mummy remembered seeing all about it on the news and how she worried for all the pets and humans caught in the storm over there.I'm a lucky bunny that I have not had to live through such a terrible disaster.The flooding we had here a couple of years ago didn't affect us too badly either,thankfully because of where we live but others were not so lucky.
Mummy has everything in place for me incase there is an emergency and we need to evacuate and to help you all we are sharing this infographic with you all in the hope that it will help you all to be ready for such emergencies.
Please click on the image to biggify or visit the ASPCA

We are also lucky to be able to hold a giveaway for a Disaster preparedness gift pack for one of you lucky friends and followers Sponsored by the ASPCA
the Gift pack contains an Emergency ready pet first aid kit ,and a Subaru roll up picnic blanket,and a Subaru penguin umbrella!

To enter Just leave a comment below saying you want to be in the draw,Comments for entering must be made on this blog post only,the closing date for this giveaway is Monday 31st August midnight UK time.The winner will be picked out by Me (Speedy) which mummy will video and will post on my Movie Day.Good luck to you all! 


  1. Good reminder to always have a safety plan
    Lily & Edward

  2. I don't want to talk about it. I know someone who moved away from here because of a job promotion. It was June 2005 and the transfer was to New Orleans.

  3. We like to think we are ready, but I sure hope we never have to find out. Great post

  4. Oh Speedy! Because of all the fires in our area this is topmost in our minds. Our bag is ready and wes can be out of the house in less than a hour!
    What a great graphic!

  5. You never know what's going to happen, no matter where you live, so it's important to be prepared! Not that we are, completely - the other week there was a fire in the hills not too far from our house... my humans had the carriers ready, just in case (we were safe, it turned out), but then she realized, she had no idea where to go with us!

  6. Oh Speedy my little one, you are so kind and considerate to think of your kindred across the miles....yes, when these disasters hit, EVERYONE suffers greatly. I am glad to know you are safe and that mummy loves you so, preparing ahead of time to keep you out of harm's way. And to mummy: thank you dear friend for coming to my post. Oh how I'd love to meet with you in your world!

  7. Living in Florida we always have to keep an ear open to the weather reports, especially during hurricane season. In 2004 we were hit by 3 hurricanes within 6 weeks. Since we live in the center of the State, storm surge isn't that much of a problem but the danger of tornadoes goes up for us. We stay home and hope for the best. Mommy puts all of us into crates and puts the crates into the bathroom.

  8. Awesome posting my friend. I would love to enter your contest :) XOXO - Bacon

  9. Wow what a great prize, effury home should have one of those and I'd certainly like to be entered into your pawesome competition!

    Purrs and hugs

    Basil xox

  10. Can mee enter thee contest Speedy?? Mee has mee eye on the umbrella!!! Mew mew mew....
    LadyMum told mee about Hurricane Katrina an shee has a plan!! Clevurr LadyMum!
    ***Hi-5'ss*** Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=

  11. September is national emergency preparedness month in the U. S. and we always try to be prepared with lots of supplies. It's a good time to start a basic kit, add to a kit, or replace old supplies with new (like food, water, and other perishables). There are lots of great websites with checklists of things to have and you can use them to decide what your family needs. Having supplies for all the pets is really important too.

  12. Oh, I would loves to be in your draw Speedy! Ma could use some emergency gear for Moi ! We have lots of earthquakes here, so this is a must!
    Thanks Speedy!
    Ruby ♥


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