Wednesday 20 February 2013


Before I went to my Grandma's I received the Very Inspiring Blogger Award from my new friend Bacon at Pig Love
The rules for this is Award are:
1. Link back to the blog who nominated you -My friend Bacon at Pig Love
2. Post the image to you page - done
3. Share 7 Facts about you
4. Nominate other blog and inform them about it

So here are 7 facts about me!
1. I had my gotcha day while I was at my Grandma's so I have been with my family for 12 months.
2. My favourite Treats are peanuts Wagg Carrot and Apple bakes.
3. I love having cuddles in bed with mummy and daddy.
4. I love to play chase with mummy when I run upstairs a scoot under the bed...hehehe!
5. One of my favourite play things is paper which I just love to shred!
6. When the weather is warm and sunny I love to go out in my garden and race about.
7. I love tugging at mummy and daddy's trousers and then running off...hehehe.

Now to nominate some of my friends:
The Misadventures of Misaki
The Online Canine
Brian's Home
Cat Chat
Clovie Boy
Pawsitively Pets

Then My Pal Nerissa at Nerrisa's Life gave me this Award

Isn't it lovely?I am definitely feeling the love from my friends and for my friends.
So the only rule's is to link back to the blog who gave the award to you and to nominate some blogs you love and let them know,and so to my nominees I love:
Voices for Rabbits
Moshi's adventures over the rainbow bridge
House of Rabbits
Me & Me(gan)
Mollie and Alfie
Pig Love
My Mini Pet Pig
Rabbits Eat Quilts
Repositorio da Marilia
Fuzzy Creatures
Please visit my friends so you can see why we love them!

Well that's all for now...xx Speedy


  1. Umbra is a pants puller too. Must be a bunny thing. Humans are so sill putting weird cloth things on themselves.

    1. Hehehe I think you're right my previous bunnies used to do this as well,xx Rach

  2. CONGRATULATIONS on your two new awards, my friend. And... CONGRATULATIONS on your gotcha day! Reasons for celebratin' for sure!!! purrs

  3. Congratulations on your awards Speedy and thanks for nominating us!

  4. Congrats on the very nice awards Speedy! You are so very kind to share with us, hugs!

    1. Oh my, conCats abou this awards and so many thanks for nominating us too!!! We´re very happy!!!! =)

    2. you're welcome my friend,xx Speedy

  5. Congratulations on these new awards and your very first Gotcha Day, Speedy! And thank you oh so much for sharing that beautiful rosy award with me =)

  6. Congrats on your awards Speedy! Thanks so much for sharing with us and thinking of us! Sammy passed on the award a little while ago while you were away but we will very happily add your name on our page for giving it to us too. We're so glad you're back!

    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

    1. hehehe its good to be back too,thanks pal,xx Speedy

  7. Big congratulations Speedy, nothing like some bling :) and thank you for passing on to us, we love that award :) Hope you have recovered from you vacation xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

    1. your welcome and yes I am fully recovered and raring to go!,xx Speedy

  8. Congratulations on your awards, Speedy! We can just see you doing lots of happy binkies in the garden on a warm and sunny day!

    1. can't wait for it to warm up so called right now,xx Speedy

  9. Thanks sugar!!! You are so sweet!!!!!!! <3<3<3 I got to put this up imediatly tommorrow!

    Btw do you have twitter?

    1. no we don't have twitter but you def deserve this award,xx Speedy

  10. two awards at once! You lucky rabbit you!!!!! teehee!

    1. Hehehe,and the best bit is give them to my friends,xx Speedy

  11. Hey speedy, congrats on the award and thank you for mine. I love your answers:-)

  12. Congrats on your awardies Speedy!!
    Very cool! Loved your answers!

  13. Well done on your award!

  14. CONGRATULATIONS on your awards and thanks for thinking of us!!! We deeply appreciate it!! xoxoxo

  15. Ah! Speedy Concatulations! Awards is the bestest as often we gets to learn new things about our furrends! And Happy belated birthday!
    And wes LOVES yous!

  16. Hi, Speegy, I hope everyone on Cheeky Lane is getting rested up and having lots of fun sharing stories of exotic places or cheeky bunnies. Did your Grandpa really call you a little scamp? Well, on my elementary school playground our response was always takes one to know one. Later on we would say well, you would know. Please don't say any of these things to your grandparents. You might find yourself in a motel the next time Mum and Dad take off for foreign climes. How do you like the pyramid they brought home for you? Speedy, they did bring you a pyramid didn't they? Lots of love, Auntie Jane

    1. hehehe mummy and daddy didn't but mummy has been busy working on a secret and she won't tell me what that is!oh well I'm sure its good,xx Speedy

    2. A secret! Wow, I can't wait to hear about it! Speedy, you will act surprised if it's pyramids, won't you?

    3. heehee I'll be very surprised,xx Speedy

  17. Oh Speedy - thanks for the award - it is a beautiful rose and so appreciated here in the dead of winter! Thanks You Thank You...

  18. Speedy, come to the shop opening on Sunday, Me Mollie made somefink that will make you laff :) xx0xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  19. oh Speedy, you are absolutely the mostest deserving bunny I know...pawsome that you have so many wonderful awards passed to you...luvluvluv you...and thank you so much for coming to visit me...I am so sorry I have been absent for so long...sad and Mom Linda...paw pats, Savannah

    1. Thats ok your mummy was away can't be helped ,xx Speedy


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