Sunday 23 February 2020

All systems are go!

5 4 3 2 1 All systems are go!! Yes finally Mummy is happy,the PC is back!All newly rebuilt with pretty much everything inside all a brand new PC only not completely.

Anyway we have News on the Hedgehog front.Pup's mum has come back after her 2nd half winter sleep, and she's moved back into her nest box in the front garden. Hogmite paid a visit to the front garden and well got shoved about by Pup's mum but he's still living in the greenhouse so here is last nights footage....

And well I'm still here same as usual staying indoors out of the wet and the wind....


  1. Speedy pal, Happy Sunday! You look like you're staying toasty warm in your grassy nest. Say, my new sisfur, Myrna, isn't a bunny but she has big hoppers on her back legs that look like yours. She can jump up high really well. I bet you can, too. Thinking ahead, would you want to come visit for Easter? Winks. Purr purr purr.

  2. Yay! I'm so glad your technical issues are over, good news. You're looking snuggly warm and happy today Speedy!

  3. Soon it will be time for new pups.

  4. The hedgie video is interesting. Hedgie looks bigger than I expected. Hopefully you will have some nice spring weather soon and you can go for an outdoor adventure.

  5. Glad you are safe and warm inside

  6. Oh what a relief you are back. Losing and setting up computers can be such a nightmare I am so glad you are all OK.

    I hope your family is safe from all those terrible storms racing all over the UK.

  7. Beeuteefull Selfie Speedy!
    An wellcome back Pup'ss Mum! Lookin guud.
    An Aunty Rachel wee happy you fotted yore Pee C back!! HURRAH!
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma

  8. I'm glad all is well with you and your critter pals Speedy and hooray for a nice working PC!

  9. Hooray for the new PC! We are glad you are staying safe and dry inside, Speedy. we will go watch the hedgehog cam video now. Hugs!

  10. I'm so glad your PC is back working!

  11. Awww, Speedy, it is so nice to see you all! You are looking particularly well groomed and dazzling, and most of all, nice and warm and snuggly. Great to see the hog family antics, and to know all is well with them, too.

  12. YAY SPEEDY! The lifeline to friends is up and running! Stay warm and dry everyone!

  13. We're glad your computer problems got fixed ! Purrs

  14. Charlee: "We would pass on the wet and wind too, Speedy!"
    Chaplin: "We're glad to hear the hedgehogs are doing well."
    Lulu: "And that the computer is doing well, too!"

  15. Good news on the "All Systems are Go!" ;-)


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