Friday 10 March 2017

Speedy's Movie Day!

Yeah its Friday and yes its Movie Day.....That has got to be the best day of the week for you all!You're in for a treat today cause I got to go to the beach Yesterday so here are the Movies of my adventure....

We even did a little treasure hunting.....hehehe we found 26 pence.....hehehehe
Hope you enjoyed the show!


  1. Speedy, you look like you were leading your human all over the place!

  2. EUREKA!

    Have a fabulous day dearest Speedy and mummy!

  3. I wouldn't be too happy there. I didn't see a single sunflower seed.

  4. We very much love seeing you on the beach, Speedy! It must really be something to get that beach air through your furs. And we bet the smells are wonderful!

  5. That was quite the DuneFest Speedy!

  6. Don't spend all your treasure in one place:) But do get some tasty treats:0

    Woos - Lightning and Misty


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