Wednesday 13 December 2017

Speedy's Christmas and Holiday Countdown 13th December!

Only 12 days to go till the big day.....are you excited yet I know I am!so lets continue with the we have Felicity with her Christmas Pusheens....
She's a cutie for sure!Now for a little more from my crib....don't forget the photo's don't do it justice and mum said she would do the video over the next couple of days...
This is the wall above my play area in the kitchen with my angel wall for my close pals Angel Mr Mick and Angel Maddie ...
and here my play area too...

Now onto the Card count I have now 9 Paper Cards with 2 new ones today from Millie,Walter,Cindy and Charlie...
and this one from Germany only I'm not sure who this is from so if you sent me this or you know who its from please tell me in the comments bellow so I may properly Thank them or you...
and I have 10 E-cards...I got mum to screen shot the one I couldn't post the other day so I can thank Cody ,Dakota and Caren properly now for this great E-card from Jacquie Lawson...

And mummy now has 8 Paper cards with one from Aunty Midge and Freya and De Ark and one from a company she shops from and one from a lady who works with mummy...

and she has an E-card too from Aunty Sheena through Jacquie Lawson...

Now don't forget there is plenty of time to enter my Count down by sending your photo's of you and you decorations to [email protected] or by posting them straight to my Facebook event here! All entries will be posted both here and on my Fcaebook event and will run everyday with the final post on Christmas Day!And my Favourite 3 will get a surprise gift after the main day to carry on the holiday spirit.....cause no one wants it to end do they?


  1. Hi Felicity! What a cutie she is.

  2. That is a nice bunch of cards Speedy!

  3. Felicity is very pretty! And you have such a nice play area, Speedy!

  4. Hello and Happy Christmas to adorable little Felicity ... is that card really from Germany? Is sort of looks like Phenny to us, but then it would be from France, right! We're still counting down with you!

  5. Pretty soon it's blast off time.

  6. you have some pawesome cards!!! We are going to post ours hopefully on Monday! catchatwithcarenandcody

  7. Carry on Counting down! So pretty!

  8. Wowzers, Speedy. That's a whole lot of nice cards!

  9. Felicity iss adoorabull with her Pusheenss!
    ~~head rubsss~~ Siddhartha Henry~~


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