Saturday 9 December 2017

Speedy's Christmas and Holiday Count Down 9th December!

It's Day 9 of my count down and its a busy one!To start I joined up for Oreos Gift exchange where you get partnered up with an anipal to give a gift to.Well I was drawn to give Baby Bell a gift and the anipal that drew me was Oreo him self and his gift arrived today in the normally I'm not allowed to open my gifts till Christmas day but mummy allowed me to open this was full of goodies for me and some Candy and a little something for mum....everything smelled all minty and I love minty stuff!

And here are some photo's....
Thanks Oreo for my gift I shall enjoy playing with my toys!I also recieved another Christmas present today from my Aunty Di but Mummy has put that one under the tree for Christmas Day,so thanks Aunty Di for my gift.Now onto the Card Count....I have now 7 paper cards with one from Oreo and one from my other pal Hunter so thanks for those

and I still have the 6 E-cards mummy has just the 3 paper cards and no E-cards
 Now on to the new entries to my Countdown ,we have Jersey Claus....
Doesn't Jersey make a great Santa Paws?
And to top it all Ann,Dougie and Zoey of Zoolatry did a lovely post Yesterday about yesterdays post and they sent me this to use as and send out to all my pals...
my very own special E-Card which we will most definatley be sending out with a little message from me.....Thanks Aunty Ann.....aww everyone is spoiling me!

Now don't forget there is plenty of time to enter my Count down by sending your photo's of you and you decorations to [email protected] or by posting them straight to my Facebook event here! All entries will be posted both here and on my Fcaebook event and will run everyday with the final post on Christmas Day!And my Favourite 3 will get a surprise gift after the main day to carry on the holiday spirit.....cause no one wants it to end do they?


  1. Speedy, you look so cute in that sweater & that red fabric collar your pal sent is sure to look cute on you, too! Mom got me a sweater, but I'm not thrilled with it. Tee hee hee! Hugs!

  2. What lovely gifts! You really loved that tissue paper!

  3. Enjoy your gifts. It's always fun to get stuff.

  4. Your card is adorable. Those are great gifts too. XO

  5. Fun gifts and you look so cute in your sweater!

  6. AWWWWW! Speedy, you are well-loved and it's so fun to watch you eat the paper; just like children on Christmas who play with the boxes instead of the toys!!!!!!!

    Wishing you all happiness and beauty every day, forever.

  7. Very nice gifts. Have a great week.
    Sue B

  8. I'm so glad that you liked them .it was fun buying for you.
    Merry Christmas


  9. What a great present-edible wrapping paper.

  10. Wow, Speedy, those are some great pressies from Oreo! And we love the card that Aunty Ann made for you.

  11. Speedy that was sooo thoughtful of Oreo! We LOVE your prezzies and your card!!! (and your video!)

  12. Goodness Gracious! What a wonderful video of you opening your presents! I enjoyed every minute of it!
    And I must say, you are definitely ahead in the card count!

  13. Mee-you what grate pressiess frum Oreo!!! Those ballss look like they wood bee a lot of fun to chase!
    Poor Aunty Rachel not havin more eCardss.....hmmmmm......
    ***nose rubsss*** Siddhartha Henry xXx

  14. hello speedy its dennis the vizsla dog oh hay wow loot!!! i luv loot!!! yoo must totaly be on the nice list am i rite??? ok bye


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