Friday 15 December 2017

Speedy's Christmas and Holiday Countdown 15th December!

OMB its day 15 of my Countdown....leaving 10 days to go!I'm just Binkying all over the place with excitement!We have some new entries to day with Murphy and Stanley to start us...
They are as excited as I am...with them being on Santa Paws watch already!

Pawsome pair aren't they?Next we have Finn from Cin and Finn on FB...

Looks like Finn is sneaking up on Santa Paws!Now don't forget you still have time to enter my Countdown so see the details at the bottom of this post.
Now for the Card Count...I still have 10 paper cards....
And I now have 16 E-cards with new ones from Cat wisdom 101,Basil and the crew, and Lady Jane Grey....well 1 of them were addressed to both me and mummy but if my name is on it it's mine right?

And mum still has 8 paper cards and 1 E-card. Now I'm also Posting my E-card for you all to take cause we Have tried to email it out to everyone but I don't want to miss any one so please take it and have a very Merry Christmas from and from my mummy of course!

Now don't forget there is plenty of time to enter my Count down by sending your photo's of you and you decorations to [email protected] or by posting them straight to my Facebook event here! All entries will be posted both here and on my Fcaebook event and will run everyday with the final post on Christmas Day!And my Favourite 3 will get a surprise gift after the main day to carry on the holiday spirit.....cause no one wants it to end do they?


  1. what a fun post! We love Murphy and Stanley and the others too!

  2. Thanks Speedy. We're not really pawticipating this year with something like a wing replacemsnt.

  3. you look gorgeous and we love all the e-cards. What a clever lot we bloggers are. I will try to work on a card too.

  4. Love those curly-pups there and bunbunny is adorable ... your
    card collection is growing bigger by the day, Speedy!

  5. To me, Christmas is even MORE FUN when there are creatures involved! I love seeing all your friends decked out for the celebration, Speedy!

  6. You look fabulous Speedy, and I have taken a Christmas Card. Merry Christmas dear Speedy and family.

  7. Murphy an Stanley are inn true Katmass spirit inn their fotoss'!! Finn iss berry cute!
    Mee lost count how many crdss wee have. Wee got a few frum peepull here an LadyMum had to rite them a nice card inn reetern!
    ***paw patss*** Siddhartha Henry xXXx


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