Monday 30 October 2017

The Day before Halloween Adventures

Hi everyone Me and Fido Managed to get out Yesterday and today as the sun was out and mummy said we should make the most of first we went to Hexworthy by the river ...

then we nipped to Badgers Holt on the same river....

and then today we just went to a local stretch of the moors....

and we had this fellow sing to us while we was there...

a cute little Robin!
Now don't forget to come back tomorrow for my Halloween Special!


  1. Tomorrow is Halloween and Fido's smile isn't very scary.

  2. You and Fido sure are getting around!

  3. Looks like you had a lovely day at Hexworthy. Once when we were there with friends and their children Ivor was jumping from one boulder to another in the river and missed his footing and fell right in! That'll teach him to show off. We were much younger then though.

  4. Fido must be loving his time with you. You and he get to go on some wonderful trips together.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  5. Ha! You two crazy kids...! Looks like loads of fun.

    Love and licks,

  6. Looks like you took your Fido on a great walk.

  7. Good for you for showing Fido around. Just keep him out of my Snickers!

  8. Looks like ya had some fun explorin!

  9. Wow, what wonderful adventures you're having with Fido!
    Jakey, Arty & Rosy

  10. Fido looks to be a great travel buddy.

  11. Looks like a couple of nice outings! It's always good to have some sun.

  12. You and Fido sure are having quite the adventures, Speedy!

  13. From ghoulies and ghosties
    And long-leggedy beasties
    And things that go bump in the night,
    Good Lord, deliver us!
    Make sure you stay away from the ghoulies Speedy!
    Happy Halloween
    Thank you for the Halloween ecard I woofed at the cat.
    Sweet William The Scot

  14. Mee-you Hexworthy lookss reelly kewl an wee LUV Badger'ss Holt an thee have luvley countree side there Speedy....
    Happy Trailss mee furend.
    ***paw patsss*** Siddhartha Henry xxx


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