Friday 9 February 2018

So last weekend was my Gotcha!

So Last weekend was my Gotcha day and mummy almost forgot....she did post about it on FB but forgot to do it here.Its ok though cause I had day full of cuddles and last week I got to go on some adventures here the one from Sunday...

and I did a lot of this on Saturday too...
and Mummy made this too....
and I just wanted to say thanks to those who already wished me a happy Gotcha day.....Can you believe I've been with mummy and daddy 6 years now?Me Neither!


  1. Little Nephew, we are so glad you got got. Please tell Mum and Dad that they did a really wonderful thing. It has brought so much joy to you, to them, and to us. I sometimes wonder what passers by must think when they see you out on one of your adventures. It must make their day.

  2. Oh Speedy.....six years? I wonder now, how long I've been following you....six years or less? Well whatever the number, every single post has been a joy to follow you on the Moors, see you in your bright blue and happy little coat, and to be a part of the pirate fun. Be well sweet boy!

  3. You look like you really enjoyed the day!

  4. I'm glad you were able to enjoy your gotcha day.

  5. Happy Gotcha Day Speedy! 6 years wow. Sadly Moms do find ways to stay busy that don't include us.

  6. How can she post on Mugbook and forget about us?

  7. Happy belated gotcha day, Speedy!

  8. Happy Gotcha Day Speedy, you're a special guy!

  9. dood....a happee bee lated gotcha day two ewe N heerz ta 60 mor...hope ya getted lotz oh timothy hay, yur day rocked N heerz two a yeer a head filled with happeez N healtheez ~ ☺☺☺♥♥♥

  10. Looks like you had a happy gotcha day, Speedy!

  11. Happy Gotcha Day, Speedy ! We're glad you had a great day ! Purrs

  12. Happy Gotcha Day to you, Speedy!!! We hope you get to have and enjoy many more fun adventures.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  13. Well, Hoppy Gatcha Day! A grand day out to celebrate is always the best!

  14. Happy belated Gotcha Day, Speedy!

  15. hello speedy its dennis the vizsla dog hay happy double belayted gotcha day!!! menny happy reeterns!!! ok bye

  16. Mee-you an mee been with LadyMum 3 yearss Speedy so wee been furendss fur 3 yearss an mee iss so-o happy!! Happy 6th Gotcha Day mee deer furend!!! Let'ss go hoppin down 'thee bunny trail'......
    ***nose bumpsss*** Siddhartha Henry xXXx


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