Monday 15 April 2019

Sunday Selfies on Monday!

I know we are a day late.....well we were expecting Mr Mickey the Hedgehog to come home Yesterday but due to the weather his return has been delayed but its warming up in a couple of days so it should be later this week!There has been a lot of action with our 2 visiting hedgehogs Reggie and the other one which we think may be a girl cause Reggie keeps trying to romance her but well she's not having any of it so we will see but for now we shall call her Lola.We will up load some movies in the week for you all to see!
Mummy has been busy working as she now has a new part time job as an in house pet blogger for this is her first post if you want to take a look,so on top of her normal job she's having to shuffle a bit with her time.
Any way here's me on another adventure last week....after all that's what you really want to see!
Mum had to carry me up to the top!


  1. Heck, that sure does look like a very steep climb! The grass looks lovely and green though and I bet there was plenty to snack on, on route ;)
    Wow, your mom sure is busy these days, and we liked the article she wrote and will go back and leave a comment later.
    PS Looking forwards to seeing more Reg and Lola on the site—they sound like film or soap stars!

  2. Congratulations to MUM for her new blogging job! And happy new week, Speedy!

  3. Nice to see you Speedy, you're looking great!

  4. That sure looks like a very interesting place to visit, Speedy.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber - yeah, OK, and Piper too

  5. Sounds like a fun new job, but probably a lot of work too. You are looking good today!

  6. Speedy I sure would like to visit that place. Why if those old stones could talk I bet they would really have a lot of written in them. Happy Easter Speedy and Thank You for the Easter Card.
    Your Friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  7. Hoppy Easter, Speedy! Snorgle your hoomin for us ;-)

  8. Another grand day out! Glad you got to venture out. And good luck to your hoomin with the new gig, sound very interesting.


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