Sunday 12 May 2019

Vets and Health checks

OMB Mummy took me to the vets this week for My annual Myxomatosis/RVHD type 1 combi vaccination and while I was there the vet gave me a health check. He checked my teeth and gave me a feel around the tummy and a few other checks and that was all ok....but then he weighed me.....and that was not ok! It seems I have gained some weight a couple of hundred grams !Mummy explained that I haven't been very mobile for a while with my arthritis and that she has started me on my CBD Hemp oil which is now helping me alot. The vet was very interested to see how I was doing on it and mum told him I can use my litter tray,I want to play and go out in the garden and just generally more active.Anyway the Vet said that is good and should help me lose a bit of weight but he also said to cut back a bit more on my pellets too....Can you believe it The Vet is trying to starve me!!!!

So here I am playing in the garden!

Mr Mickey the Hedgehog is due to be delivered back to the garden on Tuesday so mummy made a new big feeding station and swapped it for the smaller one which she has moved to another part of the garden ready for Mr Mickey to use for a bit.The plane is to gradually phase the smaller one out and get them all using the same feed station as its huge!Its big enough to accommodate 3 or 4 hedgehogs depending on how big they are....all at the same time.And then the smaller one will get cleaned and changed back to a nest box.So here's mummys handy work...
See what I mean by Huge?!!!Anyway we are off on a road trip tomorrow for a vacation so one of our neighbours is going to feed the Hedgehogs so Lola,Reggie and Mr Mickey will be just fine!Even the birds will be taken care of with feeders, bird cakes and leftover hog kibble from each day plus they will have the bird bath topped up too!Anyway time for my close ups!


  1. So good to see you Mr Speedy! I am quite impressed with the new Hedgehog buffet and I can't wait ti see some photos of the Vacation!

  2. Believe me that whole weight thing is sooo over stated. I went down 400gm then went up 100gm in space of a week!I told the consultant it was the scales and not me but she didnt buy it. The fact you are doing so well on your CBD is great and we hopes the better warmer weather will get you out and about more too.
    Lots of purrs for you and the hog family and enjoy you vacation!

  3. Meow meow yore purrfect THE way you are Speedy!! An mee iss happy yore meddycin iss helpin you feel bettur!!! Hedgey'ss feedin station lookss like a iss speck-tackular! Have fun on road trip. Mee sends mee-owes to Mickey an Reggie an Lola! Pawss crossed Mickey comes home Tuesday!
    Happy Meowy Day Aunty Rachel....
    ***purrsss*** BellaDharma an {{{huggiesss}}} LadyMew too!

  4. I love that your mummy is taking care of others like that. I admire her and thank her. As for your weight, MY vet was not happy with MY weight. Mom keeps holding back little by little of the kibble but she is happy to see me eat my wet food. I hope I will not gain more.

  5. What a sweet bunny you are - thanks for the updates!

  6. I am glad the cbd oil is helping you. Happy Mother's Day to your wonderful mum! Xo

  7. I sure am glad you are doing well Speedy and that garden area looks wonderful!

  8. We need to try that CBD oil. It would be terrific for Harvey but we can't get it here!

  9. Speedy, you faired well at the V-E-T it sounds like. Thank the heavens, 'cause sometimes animals are abducted by aliens from the V-E-T and sent up into the mother ship where they are experimented on by giant mousies! EEK! I bet you're looking forward to going on vacation and far away from the V-E-T! Purr purr purr.

  10. SPEEDY! Oh sweet boy, glad to hear you are in A-1 top condition! We all could use more exercise, so just keep up with your daily program with mum and enjoy the scenery. MUCH LOVE!

  11. Your human takes such good care of the hedgehogs, Speedy! And you too, of course - don't worry, I'm sure she won't starve you, at least not too much!


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