Sunday 22 March 2020

Weekend Plans and for the next few weeks

Well Looks like We have Spring weather finally so Mum had a hearty breakfast
And I had mine too...
Then I had a bit of this...
As it was very windy outside I stayed inside.But today is a different day the wind has dropped so mum is doing some projects in the garden.All the wind,rain and winter storms we have had has taken its toll on the fencing so it needs a bit of TLC.Mum wants to plant out all the plants she has in pots because she says there are to many and she wants to improve the drainage in the bottom of the garden so that means putting the honey suckles,the bay tree bush,a fancy acer that is pot bound and the apple tree in the ground to drink all the water up plus lots of other plants.She also wants to try some carrots,and some runner beans down there and some tomatoes and may be some other veggie bits, plus some herbs and so pepper she has already started in the kitchen for a herb garden in one of the pots she will free up.she figures she just as well concentrate on the garden if she is going to be stuck at home a lot for the next couple of months.

Don't worry we will still go to people free spots in the countryside to break the cabin fever and stretch our legs.
The Hedgehogs are doing well with Hogmite living in the front garden and chowing down there.Pup is still in the back garden in the greenhouse as it is still cold at night but her heat pad is slowly being turned down with the hope to turn it off at the end of the week and at some point over the next few weeks if the weather holds mum said she will find a nice sheltered spot in the back garden for her box and then she can go where ever she likes.So that's what we are up to for now while we are in partial lock down across the country.Mum will still be working as she is a key worker and is helping to feed the country thought she did say that with all the panic buying everybody is doing they shouldn't need any more for a few weeks...but no people are still panic buying and some are just being horrible to the staff where she works because the shelves keep being stripped bare and they are having trouble getting stock to fill the shelves....So she just smiles but she won't put up with bad behavior from those people who are horrible,she's a tough cookie my mum.Anyway I hope your lockdowns with your peeps is going well so stay safe everyone!


  1. Good morning sweet Speedy! I like your solution to this crisis: LAY DOWN and take a proper nap! Give mummy a nose bump and tell her she is loved.

  2. Sounds like spring is well and truly in it's stride your way! We are getting more sun too, but cold days that make us stop inside rather than try to sunbathe. Look forward to seeing your next adventure, the sun sea sand and meadows.

  3. We should all have super clean homes and tidy yards after this if nothing else. Stay healthy and sane.

  4. Good to see you enjoying naps and sunshine, Speedy. The panic buying is awful..... Good luck to your MUm, she should be given a pay rise after this...

  5. I wonder where the super hoarders put all their stuff. Me first, me first.

  6. Hi Speedy! We like your plan for dealing with all this stuff. Napping helps a lot. :)

    Like your Mum, our folks are trying to make sure they get outside each day (with proper social distancing, of course). It's very important.

    Stay safe, and stay healthy!


  7. I'm glad you can still get out n' about Speedy. Y'all be safe and healthy!

  8. Cute selfies. Keep your folks healthy. XO

  9. You ARE getting ready for Spring. It is always my favourite season~

  10. We are in that what shall we do mode too...unless of course the peeps are going to get provisions or to hunt for the ever elusive TP...sheesh, what is with peeps anyways?

    Petcretary goes to her work 3 shifts a week...but the 3 menfolk here are all working remotely.

    Benji helps to dig holes so that *she* can put plants in them...hahah!

  11. These hoarders drive my human crazy because there would be enough if they weren't panicking! And she winds up having to go out MORE because stores are often out of what she needs... so she has to go to yet another store. And another.

  12. People are being horrible here too. It's tuff out there.

  13. Glad to hear you're holding up well through all this. When this crazy stuff passes, I take you will be presenting the garden to Monty Don ;-) Right? Just make sure there's plenty of different varieties of cawwots planted ;-)

  14. Happy spring! It snowed today but it’s the last one. We’re eager for warmer weather since we’re self quarantining! Stay well.

  15. That looks like a delicious meal, Speedy and a nap after, just like would have done it😸Good to hear about your hedgehogs too💗We're all in the same boat, Speedy the whole world is upside down, but there'll be better days least that's what we hope for. We had wonderful weather, so we worked a little in the garden too. Sunshine makes it better, right 😸Clean Pawkisses for a Happy Wednesday. Stay Safe, Healthy and Yourselfie🐾😽💞

  16. When the world is wonky, acting like a donkey, it's time to do like Speedy, lie down and take a nap. Take care of your family, and stay well.

  17. Lulu: "It's strange days, Speedy. Glad to hear you are going to be able to get out to places where it's not crowded with people. Stay safe!"

  18. Speedy, it sounds like your mom deals with stress pretty well, when others do not. I'm glad she is able to get out and do her gardening and get some fresh air. I hope once the weather warms up my mom can do that too. She hasn't been outside for at least 2 weeks. Tickles for your tum tum. Luvs.

  19. It is strange over here in the USA too Speedy. We are waiting for it to warm up so we can go out to our new Cat Pen. Hope you visit my friend

  20. Other than the unpleasant shoppers, it sounds like you're all doing well. We've been lucky to find the items we need when shopping, but we're using our t.p. sparingly. We had a 12-pack when all this craziness started, so we're hoping it lasts until the stores get more in stock.

  21. Hi Speedy ~ We got your Easter Card but were never able to get it to open. Perhaps with all the school children getting their lesson on the internet now with schools closed due to Covid-19 the time the card takes to load is inhibited. So thanks for the thought. Our shelves are kind of sparse but we stocked up before the pandemic hit our area. We don't have what we want but we have what we need. Stay well.
    Sweet William The Scot


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