Sunday 16 August 2020

Guess who?

 Guess Who?Yup its me Speedy been a while hasn't it?Well we are all ok not doing very much because the tourists are down here in their droves and well they have no idea on social distancing So there have been no new adventures for me.So here's a selfie of me to remind you all of me....

Its a good one of me considering I am all scruffy.I am shedding my coat everywhere my back has gone and left me with a short patch,I have short patches everywhere and it's driving mum crazy with all my fine loss fluff going up her nose and in her eyes..

Well Bird is doing well pretty much independent though still comes for breaky and sometimes later in the day for snacks and water and of course a bath.The hedgehogs are eating us out of house and home,So we are all good!Hope you are all doing well too!



  1. It's good to see you Speedy.Odd human behaviour aside (and there is plenty from the idiots) please keep safe. It is good to see you and we hope Mum is OK!

  2. It's good to see you Speedy.Odd human behaviour aside (and there is plenty from the idiots) please keep safe. It is good to see you and we hope Mum is OK!

  3. SPEEDY! Son, it's soooo good to see you on Instagram and now here. I so hope you, mum and dad are healthy and getting on during this strange time. It really is great to see you. HUGS!

  4. Great selfie! Stay safe and healthy.

    The Florida Furkids

  5. It's wonderful to see you Speedy! Sorry the tourists are mucking things up.

  6. It's so nice to see you, Speedy! Glad to know you are doing well, although having to stay home more. Be safe and well!

  7. Nice to see you, Speedy ! We're glad you're all good and doing well ! Purrs

  8. So glad to hear from you Speedy. Glad you and the family are alright and that new fur will be in in no time

  9. Very nice to see you, I missed you. XO

  10. Good to see you again Speedy. Some people have no idea about social distancing, you're right, they're such fools.

  11. Mr Speedy! Wes so furry happy that yous is back too! Wes all missed reading your adventures (especially Angel Nellie). Wes understands about the tourists (or as many in our village calls the Terrorists). They has no clue about social distancing. The villagers make rude comments about them not wearing masks in our grocery store (as wes all wears them). They are also furry messy and leaves garbage everywhere! When Alex and his furreneds went tubing down the river they picked up a big garbage bag of trash left by the evil terrorists.
    Nellie sends Many Kisses, Purrs
    Marv, Jo Jo, CKozmo, Cinnamon and Angel Nellie

  12. I'm glad you are all doing well (and the hedgehogs!). It's terrible that so many people aren't taking this pandemic seriously. It's keeping my human and I from going back to our therapy cat visits.

  13. We are happy to see you again, Speedy.
    Sorry the tourists are bugging you. Still, many people here would be glad to see tourists again. Their livelihoods depend on them.

  14. I have the same problem with cat Rosie, the whole year long she never looses hair and for the moment it's terrible ! Fortunately she is mostly black so on a black sofa you don't see them immediately !

  15. dood !!! speedy !!! itz grate ta see ewe again buddy...lookin good N we hope thiz commint findz ewe N mum N dad & de hedgiez happee, healthee N safe

    N can ya pleez send sum ESP ta yur wild cuzinz ta leeve R gardin, a lone !!!! ☺☺♥♥

  16. Oh it’s a big relief to learn all is okay except for all those wretched tourists. I love hedgehogs and Bird sound like a spirit animal. Big nonshedding kiss to my favorite bun bun xxx

  17. Yep - glad to hear all well as can be ... time goes by. It is just hair. It grows back!!! (That is what my grandaughter said as she whacked at my 6 month growth due to covid lockdown ...)

  18. Nice to see you again!

    We really don't get why some people just can't social distance. Selfish behaviour as they are putting others at risk.

  19. Hi Speedy! Well, your furs certainly look very glorious indeed! If the Human sneezes occasionally, well it is well worth the excellent benefits of being allowed to live with YOU, LOL. Tourists? We live in San Francisco and we hardly have any tourists this year. We think they is too scared to come here and honestly we do not blame them one bit. Stay away from all those unmasked visitors! We just don't know what is *WRONG* with some people! Thanks for visiting me

  20. Hi Speedy, good to see you, even if you have patchy floof.

  21. Hi Speedy. We have been away from blogging fur a long time. Stopping by to say hi! Nice selfie picture of u. Yeah, this pandemic has been terrible on everyone. Social distancing. Humans wearing masks. uggh

  22. Hi Speedy! We were thinking of you and dropped by to say hello.

  23. Speedy, pal, I'm just now trying to play catch up with reading your bloggy posts of summer. I think of you though, lots, 'cause you are my very fav bun furiend! I miss you and hope you and your mum and papa are staying healthy. Luvs.


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