Monday 4 January 2021

And the Winners Are!!!!!

Well that was a longer break than planed.....I had trouble picking my Favourite 3. There were just so many to choose from but I got there in the end! But first I just want to wish everyone a Happy New Year and Hope 2021 is a far superior one to last year!

Now lets get on to the Business in Hand.....The winners are.....

Norman and Elsa from Tails from The Ranch

Ava and Angel Gracie from Animal Shelter Volunteer Life

And Finally Snoopy and Sammy

So there we have it.....It was so hard to pick my 3


  1. Congratulations to all the beautiful winners and their fantastic Christmas photos.

  2. Oh truly, these are all so sweet and good choice, Speedy! Happy '21 to all!

  3. They are all winners, so very cute!

  4. Congratulations to the winners! My human didn't finish our tree til after Christmas, MOL!

  5. Hi Speedy and Mum Rachel. Ava is laying next to me, and is very excited and honored that you chose her and Angel Gracie's photos. Thank you so much. Congratulations to Norman and Elsa, and Snoopy and Sammy, too! It must have been so difficult to choose just three from all of the amazing and adorable entries.

    Hugs to you, sweet friends. Happy, healthy new year to you!

  6. Great choices, each and every one! Speedy, you chose well. And here's to a super hopping good New Year for one and all, health and happiness filling every day.

  7. Congratulations to the winners and Happy New Year!

  8. Congratulations to the winners, lovely photos all of them

  9. Just checked in - great winners and fun to still see some festive!!!

  10. Great winners and we send you Purrs and Prayers Speedy

  11. speedy...dood....we saw over at marv's blog ya waz knot feelin all
    two good buddy....heerz sum blessingz frum st francis two ewe that
    yur doin way soooper grate better N yur bak ta feelin 100000000000
    purr cent healthee & happee ♥♥♥♥♥

  12. I'm so very late commenting on this post Speedy. I blame it on Mom for not being on top of things. CONCATS to the winners! It was sure fun to enter your contest and I can't wait to enter it again next year.

    P.S. If I didn't tell you before, your snowy Happy New Year photo with the fireworks is splendid!



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