Monday 8 March 2021

Speedy's Road to recovery: Light at the end of the Tunnel

 So I was meant to write this for you yesterday but it was a weird day, good for Speedy but not so much for us. I'm not going to go in to that here today as this is all about Speedy. After having a little set back in the week where part of his abscess refilled and me having to drain it a couple of times we now can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

So we were able to give Speedy a bit of a treat to make him feel better about his ordeal with his foot....

  As you can see Speedy is using his foot properly now so we picked this Special spot that had no gorse bushes and kept him to the grassy paths. Now for the Update on his Paw....

As you can see the hole has shrunk to almost nothing with just a small scab and the swelling has almost gone too. It's still a bit tender to touch but it feels more or less like his other paw. We just have to be very careful now so it can continue to heal. And as Speedy was looking so good we took him back to the special place for another treat....

Speedy will probably get another treat today and tomorrow to make the most of the dry weather as Wednesday we are back to wet and windy weather for the rest of the week.

Thank you for all your POTP for Speedy and all the nice messages You're all amazing!


  1. Hooray for all the healing!! We hope and pawray it continues!

  2. Hello friends! I am glad to see that our darling Speedy is on the mend and I hope that you Rachel, that everything is moving forward in a positive light. Oh how we need to see that light at the end of that tunnel....

  3. We'll continue sending POTP until Speedy is 100% better.

    The Florida Furkids

  4. When a bad time with the foot starts, hs should just yell "MEDIC". It works in the movies.

  5. Yay ! We're so glad to hear those good news ! Purrs

  6. That's the best news and we're so happy you are doing so well Speedy!!!

  7. I'm so happy the little guy is doing better! Stay safe guys ❤

  8. Abscessed wounds are so frightening and horrid-looking, but once they heal you can hardly tell they ever happened. I'm so glad Speedy has healed so well. You've provided excellent care, of course.

  9. OH, we bet Speedy was very happy to get out and about. His paw is looking very good thanks to your excellent nursing care. Continued crossed paws for 100% recovery,

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  10. That's such great news about Speedy's paw. We are keeping our paws crossed that he continues to heal. He must have been so happy to get out and explore a little.

  11. Yay Speedy! I’m glad you’re finally on the mend. ~Ernie

  12. Yay! Speedy's foot looks SO much better! I'm so glad he was able to go out too.

  13. Thanks so much for the Speedy update. We are so very happy to see that his foot is almost healed and that he can use it. We are also so furry happy that he is getting out and about again! Rachel, you ROCK! Have a marvellously happy day!

  14. What wonderful news! We are so happy that Speedy's recovery is going so well! We will keep on sending POTP. :) XO

  15. Speedy's paw is looking fantastic. You're taking such great care of him. Hopefully it will be fully healed in a few more weeks.

  16. so happy Speedy is coming along so nicely!!


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