Monday 18 October 2021

Little Miss Titch is home

 Just a little update on Little Miss Titch. She is home. She is eating a bit but is still a bit dopey sort of. So she will get lots of tlc tonight. I will give you a proper update tomorrow. 


  1. Hooray! That's great! Hang in there, Titch, soon you'll feel frisky and well.
    Sending healing thoughts and POTP!

  2. We're glad she is home and doing well. Our paws are crossed that she has a quick recovery.

  3. titch; we iz glad yur home with mum N dad & ewe will bee glad two dayz a done deel.....♥♥♥....may bee onze yur mor alertz ewe will get an extree helpin oh hay ♥♥♥♥

  4. I hope Titch is back to 100% quickly!

  5. So glad to hear Titch is home. Hope she continue to recover with no problems.


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