Monday 4 December 2023 doesn't feel like Christmas at all

 Hello Blogville its your one and only gossip bunny with all the news from our neck of the woods. Some of the news is sad and some of the news is happier but its safe to say that even though we had a cold snap and some hasn't felt like Christmas at all.....

So we start with Little Louie...Last time I mentioned Little Louie he had just had some treatment for lungworm and roundworm well he recovered from the and was happy to be back in the greenhouse and the garden but then the weather changed and went a lot cooler and then he wasn't happy. He started losing weight again and going toilet in the other nest box and not eating as much so mummy contacted one of her friends in rescue and the advice was the because he had such a rough start in life and had been poorly again he couldn't cope with the cold and was struggling to keep himself warm even though his nest box was full to the brim with bedding and that he would need to have a bit of help and kept warm for the winter. So he is back in the shed with a heat pad to keep him warm when he sleeps. He really wasn't happy about being in a smaller space but was happy to be warm, he would trash his hutch all the time so mum had to clean him out and feed him twice a day to make sure he was eating enough and it worked. and then the weather got even colder so he stopped trashing his hutch and mum only has to clean him out once a day now but he still gets fed twice a day because he poops in his food and then won't eat it because he spoiled it. He has slowly put the weight back on and a little bit more but after the snowy winter weather he is definitely happy to be sleeping in a warm bed with fleece blankets to curl up in. Of course Jo-Jo has stopped visiting because the food station for Louie was put away not that he is inside.

The sad news is one of my grandpa's passed away and while mummy was helping grandma one of the juvenile hedgehogs turned up in one of the food stations curled up asleep so that was a trip to the vets but again more sad new the little dot passed away too. That made mum look for its sibling which she brought in from the cold but she too was poorly and had to got to the vets. The little female was fighting and holding her own but the vets didn't have the room to keep her so mum had her back and had to take her back for treatments...She was doing well but sadly she too passed away tucked up in her warm bed in the early hours of Sunday morning she was still warm but she was gone, she had crossed the rainbow bridge to join her sibling. Mummy named her Rose and buried her in the garden under one of the roses. We are very sad at the moment with all the loses....

 But Mummy still dressed the house for Christmas now that she finished decorating the lounge and she baked the Christmas cakes and went on a Christmas outing even though it doesn't feel like Christmas at all....

No real tree this year as mummy spent a lot on the lounge but who cares it looks like Christmas and that's what counts

                                                                    xoxo Little Miss Titch


  1. We're so sorry to hear that your Grandpa and those sweet hedgehogs have left you. Your house sure is decked out for the holidays and ours is too. We love all your beautiful trees.

  2. I'm very sorry to hear about your Grandpa and Little Dot too, we send hugs. Your Christmas Tree sure look very pretty.

  3. Awww, its so sad when the wee ones depart despite the best efforts to try and rescue them. And our sincere sympathy on the loss of your Grandpa.

    We love your Christmas decor!
    Its still 'bare' at our den, though all the boxes have come out of hiding.

  4. Wee are furry sorry that yore GranPaw passed away an Dot an Rose.....iss so diffycult to accept any time butt harder during Catmess seeson Titch. Wee have all our partss crossed that Little Louie will thrive there with all of youss'. Aunty Rachel THE lunge iss sepck-taculur as iss all yore deckoratin!! Yore a Dynamo fore sure!
    ~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an {{{hugss}}} BellaSita Mum

  5. Awww, purrs to your Mum for all the recent losses. Your stairway looks absolutely beautiful in its Christmas decor.


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