Friday 24 August 2012

Caramel's life!

Caramel was the sort of bunny that had you laughing out loud at his antics.In the middle of the night if he felt I hadn't given him enough attention that he would give almighty big thumps that  it would frighten the hell out of me out of my lovely sleep or he would jump out of his pen and up on to my bed,at that time I was still living at home so he was in my bed room.That bun was a huge jumper he could easily jump over 3".if I was cleaning out his pen he would come up behind me and start nipping the back of my ankles until I scooped him up for a cuddle.
Then every day I would bring Caramel down stairs for a run around and in the summer the patio doors would be open and he would zoom around at full pelt taking a flying leap from the top step and zip around the garden back up through the patio door around the furniture in the lounge and skid to a halt by the door to the hall way he then would look at you with this funny wild look almost daring you to laugh,which I did  and off he would go again.In the winter the patio door would be closed and he would scratch at the door to go out and then did the same to come in.
Caramel loved chasing the cats and the dog just for the sheer hell of it and then other times especially in winter when its cold the fire would be on and they would all be stretched out in front of the fire having a snooze and then he would want a cuddle and he would hop over to me watching telly and jump up on to my lap and would sit on my chest giving me bunny kisses.If we were up stairs in my bedroom we would snuggle down under the quilt together and have a snooze.
When he was in a temper he would growl and bite but when he was in a loving mood it was cuddles and bunny kisses all the way.He could be a proper Houdini and a really cheeky boy too.
And then Caramel met the hubby,the hubby would put his hand in the pen trying to get Caramel to come over and would complain that "this rabbit doesn't do anything" I would say "don't tease him he'll only bite you" and the next thing there was a big yell "he bit me your rabbit bit me!" and what did I say you guessed it"I told you so" but when I moved in with the hubby they fell in love with each other having cuddles and fun together,but when I came home from work who did Caramel struggle to get to?Me and who do you think Caramel saved the bunny kisses for?Me,he was still my baby boy!
Then 2 years later after being treated for epilepsy Caramel woke us up he was having a big fit we would calm him down and it would stop but 2 mins later it started again so we took him to the vets where the vet gave him a tranquiliser hoping it would reboot the brain signals but it didn't work I was up all night with him in my arms watching him have fits on and off all night in the morning I was devastated I had to make the call it was no good,Caramel was suffering so there I was in the vets with him in my arms crying my eyes out  knowing it was time but that rabbit was a fighter right to the end three injections it took for him to pass and for his heat to stop but there wasn't any thing else I could do as he would have suffered as he started to shut down from the trauma of having fit after fit.I brought him back home and made a little coffin and made it all pretty with Christmas paper as it was nearly Christmas and when the hubby came home we buried Caramel it the bottom garden.we both thought we would die that day but we didn't but it was so empty at home with out him.So that's when Thumper came to us but that is another tale!


  1. That made me cry. I feel like I knew him, too after that story. Love those helicopter ears. What a beautiful life you had with him.

    1. I was crying a bit when I was writing this too,but he was a beautiful boy when he was in my arms you could see his eye lashes,they were so long and with his ears layed flat he looked like a bunny out of watership down

  2. Caramel was such a sweetie, and I'm glad to see the wonderful memories making your hearts smile.

    1. yes he was a sweetie and we still miss him but if I hadn't had him I wouldn't have had Thumper or Speedy now

  3. So sad.... it reminds me of having to make that decision about my beloved pets. It's hard to "play God" with a life but you don't want them to suffer. Those great memories and all the fun times you had together are worth all the sadness though. Caramel sounds like a wonderful bun. :)

    1. it is sad but you have to do the best thing for them even if it breaks you heart and he'll never be forgotten and Speedy plays in the bottom garden where Caramel and thumper are buried,so they are all together in some way and I know that we will see each other again

  4. Oh what a sweetie your Caramel was and what fun times you had together...I'm so glad he was with you and able to have the beautiful life he did...xo

    1. Caramel had a wonderful life he had the best of every thing as with all my buns,we still miss him and Thumper but Speedy does heal a sore heart and I wouldn't have it any other way

  5. It sure sounds like Caramel was quite the bunny!
    But Speedy, me still thinks Yous the handsomest!

    1. Caramel was quite the bunny,but yes I think Speedy is handsome too

  6. What a character Caramel was. His antics made Mommy smile and reminded her own Angel Looppy who left way too soon.

  7. Caramel sounded like such an amazing bunny. I am so sorry he became ill but I am glad that you had such loving experiences with him while he was alive ((((hugs))))

    1. it was always about love,he was a furry bundle of joy that just melted your heart

  8. How easy, yet how difficult it is to love pets. They become a part of us and then, one day they must leave, ripping that part of us right out. Thank you for sharing your memories and love of Caramel with us.

    1. He was the start of a long line of have house bunnies,it breaks my heart when I have to let them go,but I will always have bunnies it wouldn't be our home with out one,and both caramel and Thumper shall always be missed and will never be forgotten


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