Friday 3 August 2012

The fruit crumble served with vanilla custard

Here's the fruit crumble with vanilla custard.Taste's good,yummy!For anybody in the U.S who wants British custard see my previous post with the recipe I have listed some retailers in America who sell it


  1. No one around here makes custard!!! Or anything WITH custard!! I WANT CUSTARD. And some crumble, please!

    1. Sorry custard is a british thing,more than anything I would love to give you some.can you hope on a plane?

  2. Thanks so much to your beautiful words and the visit!
    Purrrs from Aimée

  3. And remember to translate your "English" to "American". Biscuits are cookies, right?

    1. yes its cookies to you guys,sorry I forgot about the translation to american I shall fix that now

  4. Replies
    1. well that would never do you'll just have to hop on a plane and I'll make a fresh batch

  5.!!! Yummy! :D

  6. We are very saddened by the death of Aimee.
    Thanks for the encouraging words on our blog.
    Hugs, Marilia

    1. its always sad when they go but remember you will see her again,bunny hugs from Speedy and Mum

  7. Set 8 more places - we are on our way!

  8. UGH! I want to be lazy today and just read blogs (I LOVE BLOGS) all day. The news about Curiosity is EXCITING! Can't wait to see what's going to be new at Zantippy Skiphop...
    Thanks for posting about the custard. I guess pudding would be about euivicol...
    I love Bavarian creme and creme anglaise. About the most I could ever accomplish homemade custard-ish was lemon curd. My husband loves all things lemon and I made a version with Splenda that was so yummy.
    Thanks Rach and Speedy for considering us Americans in your recipe!!!

    1. thats ok you can be lazy today and read blogs we don't mind.well Curiosity has landed safely so the hard work starts again,yes we can't wait to see what zantippy writes about it.It would be totally wrong for us not to include Americans for the recipe,I have family there and of course you guys too


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