Friday 25 January 2013

More Awards...hehehe!

This week My friend Nerissa at Nerissa's Life Gave me this great award called the Shine On Award
isn't it great?Anyway time pass on the love to my pals!
Wagg pet foods-Dalton's doggy diary
The Online Canine
The Kittini Boys
Island Cats
smile with your tail
Rabbits eat Quilts
Nylablue And SherriEllen purrfect pad

 Then Daisy and Cress at Daisy and Cress the guinea pig sisters gave me the sisterhood of bloggers award although I already have this one its still nice to be appreciated.
Thank you both guys you are both great!


  1. Congratulations, Speedy! You are one well loved cheeky bunny! :)

  2. Congratulations, Speedy!

  3. Congrats Speedy! You sure deserve lots of awards!

  4. Congrats, Speedy!!!
    You are the most awarded bunny I know!!!
    : ) Katie

  5. Speedy, world fame is in the stars for you, my schnugglebun!

    1. Awwww thanks Auntie Brandi*Speedy shuffles front paws going a little shy*Big kisses for you Auntie Brandi,xxxxspeedy

  6. You sure are the mozt popular Bunnikin'z in Blogville, Big congratulation'z :) you deserve dem all Speedy and more..Wez luv'z you :) xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

    1. Thanks Mollie and Alfie,you're good pal,love you too,xx Speedy

  7. Yay Speedy! You deserve them :-)

    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  8. Awe thankies Speedy! That is so nice of you!!!! I can't wait to add this on my blog! Congrats for so many awards|

  9. Concatulations Speedy! Yous has gots so many awards yous is going to has to add a new room to the house or them!
    Yous knows what? Yous deserves everyone of them!

  10. Speedy, your Auntie Jane is so proud of you. Such a good boy. Hey, that's my Little Nephew!

    1. Awww thanks Auntie Jane*Stretches up to tip toes and gives a little kiss on the nose*big kisses and snuggles Speedy

    2. Swoons. Auntie Jane just swooned. Do it again, Little Pal. Just one more precious bunny boy kiss on the nose. Love you.

    3. *Speedy Stretches up for another kiss on the nose*Hehehe just for you Auntie Jane,xx Speedy

  11. CONGRATULATIONS! You deserve lots of bling, bling and even more bling! purrs

  12. Oh Speedy...fank you so so much fer da lubly award!!!! Me just asked Mum to save it so me can post it on me AWARD page!!! Me sayz you post dat frum me to you if you can. Me n Mum have no idea how to do dese awardz but if we cuud do dem you'd be da FIRST bunneh on da list fer shure!!!!!
    We iz shining on n we iz bery happy we iz furendz wif such a sweet bunneh az you!!!!
    head rubz n nose kissez frum Nylablue n kissez frum me Mum too!!

  13. Wow thank you so much pal!!

  14. Speedy,

  15. Speedy, congrats on the award.

    For us TOO?! Thank you so much :)


  16. you are such an award winning blog Speedy...everyone adores your blog and we are happy to have you receive all these fab awards...high paws, Savannah


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