Saturday 6 July 2013

Inspiring blog award form Selina!

On Monday Selina from One eye on the future gave me the Inspiring Blog award,Thank you so much Selina you're one Awesome Kitty!
But I couldn't do this with out the inspiration that I get from My Aunties and all of you my Anipals So THANK YOU too!

So all That I have to do is Pass it onto 5 more inspiring Blogs and they are as follows:

1:Blabber bun Has a very cute Rex Bunny called Umbra and her mum gives great informative Posts and some very funny ones too!
2:Sparhawkscotties There's only one left now he's called Bobby but he knows how to have fun!
3:Tail's from the Foster Kittens Connie does a great job in fostering Kittens,she's a real inspiration!
4:Savannah's Pawtracks She's a fun Kitty and with her family they have done a fantastic job of Fostering Leo who is now looking for his Forever castle!
5:Voices for Rabbits This one belongs to one of my Auntie's....My Auntie Brandi she works so hard Taking care of here fur family and her real family while working in a real job to plus she has give a home to strays who become a part of her fur family!



  1. Congratulations and well deserved. Have a super Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly

    1. Awww thanks Molly,have a great weekend,xx Speedy

  2. Congrats on the nice award Speedy, you are a cool one!

  3. Speedy, I think it is really all about the inspiration you give to your Aunties and all your friends out here. Auntie Brandi is really something, isn't she? You know this all happened because Mum and Dad gave a bunny with special needs a forever home. Don't worry too much about being a "special needs bunny." We all have a special need for love and for kindness. Kisses and carrots, you cheeky old sweetheart, Auntie Jane

    1. Awww thanks Auntie Jane,you're really special too,hehehe xx Speedy

    2. One of these days, Speedy, I will tell you and your mom and Aunt Jane EXACTLY why I do not deserve this award, or any award for that matter. It is so shocking and horrible, your little tail would curl and fall off.
      But now is not the time. Or the place. Let me just say that I continually repeat my OLD motto/mantra: I Am Not A Cat Person.
      However, I do appreciate all the bunny love and awards you send my way. You are too thoughtful to this old black hearted wicked witch of Dead Center United States of America.

    3. Brandi, if your confession involves any behaviours at a UT/OU football game, do not worry, all is forgiven. Juana

    4. Seriously, Brandi, who would not call remorse a great gift, and who does not know that our God is most deeply pained when we will not let ourselves accept the forgiveness that is lovingly offered or believe that this loving God cannot or will not cherish and mend any that we have harmed.

    5. You SAY that....and I am deeply ashamed at certain actions...Let's just say I take great comfort in God's mercy towards others.

    6. Dear Auntie Brandi,Please remember that us Bunnies have a special ear to the man up stairs so please believe me when I say the all the mis-deeds that you have done or think you have done have been forgiven and are out weighed but the good things you have done in taking care of his little creatures which is why he send's them to you and in the passion for the things you believe in,so don't worry I fully expect to see you at the rainbow bridge when its our alotted time,You are an Angel but even Angels make mistakes from time to time after all they were human at one time.So no more silliness he see's all and know's all and there is know wicked black heart in you just sometimes naughty and Cheeky....hehehe love from your Cheeky Nephew Speedy

    7. Brandi, you have heard it straight from our Nephew. Take heart, live in the mercy and love of God. If you insist, when I ask God to lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of mercy, I will add, "Especially my friend, that little Skunk, Brandi." Redemption is not about letting the past crush you. New life is new life. It isn't about sucking the life out of yourself on a daily basis with recrimination, but mourn a little bit if you must, but save a bit of time for a prayer for those who are remorseless. Juana

  4. I know you are just a babe, Speedy, but in Texas we have some unique ways of using "old" in loving expressions.

    1. Hehehe I know humans say the funniest things...hehehe,xx Speedy

  5. Congrats Speedy!!!!!!! I have another suprise for you! You can check it out on my page =)

    1. Awww thanks Francesca,I wnet and saw thank you,xx Speedy

  6. Congratulations on your award, Speedy!

  7. Congrats on that cool award, Speedy!

  8. You deserve it my furriend! :) :) Wasn't that fun?


  9. Replies
    1. You're welcome,you deserve it for all you do!xx Speedy

  10. Congratulations Speedy and Rachel!

  11. Well done you!

  12. What a beautiful award Speedy, you so deserve them all :) xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  13. Hi Speedy, Thanks for this, i'm truly humbled. I'll put it on my bloggie when I return home in a couple of weeks, so please don't think I'm ignoring you!!!! Thanks again! Woofs & Wags Bobby xx

    1. Hi Bobby,don't worry I won't think you're ignoring me have fun on you holiday,xx Speedy
      P.S You deserve it!

  14. What a luvly award Speedy!!
    Nylablue n Mum xo


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